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Lag issue

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey there; you should read this page for help with that issue. http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_am_i_getting_booted_from_the_lobby_game. If the game you're playing is Destiny, strict mode has to be disabled. If it's another game, see if anything is coming in as blocked with the Geofilter, and see what happens when you disable the Geofilter.

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When the Geo-filter is disabled it acts like a normal router so there shouldn't be any thing on the routers end causing that. When you get disconnected even with the Geo off does anything appear blocked?

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  • Netduma Staff

That's great to hear; are your disconnections still happening? Look out for caution triangles or padlock symbols on the Geofilter even when it's turned off; similar issues have occurred before.

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Yes the lag is still happening it will pause every few minutes for a few seconds on gow 3 and disconnect sometimes there was no padlocks or triangles on the ground filter just red circle but I have seen that before It never used to do this what do u think the problem is?

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I think chrome is the best browser to use the dumas interface,I only asked about the backward compatibility because I tried gears 3 and it was shocking the lag was unreal,wasn't getting booted though,is there still a large population playing gears 3?was my favourite one back in the 360 days

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I have strick mode disabled already and no because it never used to do this when playing with my friends?


Is someone else in your party the leader and you've got the Geo-filter on? If so they will connect to a game and it might boot you. If you want to use the Geo-filter you'll need to be the party leader.


Yes it's not just that game thought it's also ryse son of Rome I get backed out aswell?


Same as above, the game hasn't been tested so would recommend disabling it for that game.


It started when I put netduma in DMZ mode my nat was already open but appeared with the blue message so I thought not end when I try take it out of DMZ mode it gets worse?


DMZ will keep your NAT open. If it's not in there then you may not get an open NAT. I would recommend putting it back in the DMZ.


Also I'm doing this by Xbox Microsoft edge and not pc could they be why? It laggy and doesn't load or update straight away on it.


Definitely would recommend using Chrome or Firefox on a PC when accessing the interface.


Yeah I love the game its not booting me now was actually okay today it does normally have a bit of lag


So that issue is resolved now?


My speeds are a lot slower also the more I give my self bandwidth with the Lower my speeds Go to like 3mb down and 10 up


Keep anti-flood on 100%, reset device prioritisation and ensure that share excess is on. You'll have full speeds. Recommend 70/70 when gaming though.

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