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I'm new to the forums, so hello!

Details: I live in Australia and am on a Fibre Network that uses what my ISP referst to as a NBD. I'm not super tech savvy but I believe it's a Modem that connects via Fibre to the net. I use an Ethernet cable from there to connect to the R1 which hosts my partners computer, my computer, and our playstation 3/4. I purchased the R1 in April 2016 with the hopes of finding better matches in COD games, along with general internet usage and MMORPG gaming. At first everything ran flawless, ran the tutorials and configured my Router to my liking. Nothing major just limit the connection on my partners computer and play around with the host matching bit.  I experienced the occasional drop-out on my MMO maybe once per night, nothing major so I didn't worry about it much. However this past weekend I think the R1 took a turn for the worse. I woke up excited to play my MMO on the weekend only to be smashed with a constant stream of disconnects every 2-3 minutes. I was always able to immediately re-connect and thought it must be an ISP issue. So I (along with my ISP) did the normal trouble-shooting. Restart everything, and even began isolation testing when that failed. I tested with my ISP provided Router and things were ok, not great but definitely not dropping out. I then tested with a strait connection to the NBD I mentioned earlier and had a flawless connection. During this time I had 2 command prompts open running "ping -n 1000 -w 3000 google.com" to see if that showed me anything (again not super tech savvy but I get by). I began to notice a trend when using the R1 that when my game would drop. I would receive a message saying something like "host unreachable" followed by a few (2-3) requests timed out, then it would resume with normal pinginess. 


TLDR: Constant disconnects with the R1, no disconnects with other routers/hubs. Not ISP related. Did a bunch of testing.


Also, running 1.03.6g which I believe is how it came.


Is there a fix, or is it completely borked?

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  • Netduma Staff

Hey there, welcome to the forum! Sounds like this problem is happening on multiple devices. Is that correct?


Could you try a different ethernet cable between the modem and the Netduma please?

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Don't really use any wireless devices, sure my phone is connected to the wifi but I'm on the PC 90% of the time. Everything else is running wired. 

Honestly, with the way the disconnects appear to be working I'm not sure I'd ever notice on my phone as the drop-outs are only momentary. The only reason I noticed was my game dropping out with their cheesy "gods have disconnected you." I've tried paying attention to my task bar when I was testing over the weekend and the internet connection never got the little red X or yellow ! showing the connection had dropped even. 


Edit: Also yes it's happening on two PC's both wired connections but different games. It could be happening on other devices but my partner and I pretty much exclusively use our PC's to game and for entertainment. Like we literally play 0 games on the playstation's 

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If it is not the Ethernet ports....


I would reboot the duma from misc settings reboot.


If that does not fix then turn off the duma for five minutes then try again.

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I've had the Duma off for 4 days now, simply couldn't use it. So when I plug it back in tomorrow I'll test new ports and see if I can find the settings reboot. Though I didn't change any settings before this started getting really bad.

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Plugged the Duma back in yesterday, put the cords in from 5 > 1 rather than 1 > 5. Everything worked great for the majority of the day, still lost a few packets with my Ping test ~1%. But never had any disconnects.

Then I wake up this morning and see I'm booted from character select, I'm like oh that's odd. Close the game and I've got the Yellow ! Triangle thing. Look at my GF's computer, hers has no issue. I then try resetting my Ethernet Adapter, then my PC as that didn't work. No such luck, so I google the error message I get with Windows diagnostic "Ethernet Doesn't Have a Valid IP Configuration" and I try following the steps when I do IP Config /release I get "An error occurred while releasing interface Ethernet : An address has not yet been associated with the network endpoint."

Wasn't super sure what that meant, but I thought hey maybe my cable is wonky (Even though it's the 2nd one I've tried since last week) and decided to try another different cable. No change at all. Then I thought hmm better try a new port on the Duma, moved the cable from port 3 > 2, still no change.

Then I said Wonder if it's the Duma. Took out my little 5-way Ethernet HUB plugged everything back into it, including the original Ethernet Cable I was using looked at  my computer and bam internet!

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