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My netdumar just arrived. I just finished set up and notice no difference in lag. I can't see any host and nothing comes on Geo filter. I have it plugged into modem, I have access through computer but once I make changes and leave the page nothing on the website stays updated. I'm having a lot of trouble trying to utilize this device playing online. Please help! I have version 1.03.3

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Hey Trueseeker, could you please go to Settings > Miscellaneous and click apply with auto cloud ticked but bleeding edge off. Also make sure to enable cookies in the settings, this should help the settings to save. Then go back to the Geo-filter page and do a hard refresh on your browser and see if any hosts start to appear. It is quite late here, so if that doesn't work we will be back tomorrow to resolve it :) 

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Did the changes, but nothing on Geo Filter . My filter never seems to never find my location once I load refresh page. No host are showing as well.

Did you restart your modem, router and system in that order? Unplug your netduma. Don't use the reset on the back or you'll have some work cut out for you. It won't show hosts until you get into a lobby either. What system.
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Do you have your geo filter enabled?


That's from my Android browser. You can open up the browser on your ps4 and enter the ip for the netduma and mess with it that way too. Make sure you go through the tour one step at a time as well. Is the duma your only router?


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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Trueseeker did you get this fixed?


This is typically caused by the adware, firewall or anti-virus software. If you temporarily disable it do you see hosts appearing now? 

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Sorry for the late response, came home from work to apply the lowest settings on my computer to see if security setting were preventing me from seeing the host, but not the case. I also have no other device connect, it goes from modem-NetDuma r1- ps4 (wired). I geo-filter enabled and I think it works due to I set settings to 500k and I can't find a lobby, but when I extend it I get into room. I play a game and I notice I die very quickly and it takes a half a mag to kill anyone in game. I don't believe I'm getting any benefit, please suggest and when I get your message I'll try the settings once I get back from work.

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What area do you live in? I just got mine, and live in Orlando and have my filter set to approx 1000 km. I have been connected to the dedicated server in the Atlanta area pretty consistently and it had been terrible. The Ping is pretty good though so I don't understand. I'm saying that it may be on the game/dedicated server end. You will know it is a dedicated server because you won't have an "update" button with the host info. So you can't block the ded server. I've only had it for 2 days and my experience has been pretty similar. A lot of what I have been reading is that a lot of people are complaining about being on the dedicated servers and how the gameplay sucks when they are pinging them as host. Obviously I can't give you much tech support but just digging around the forum here, that'd the info I've found. I hope it gets better, cuz right now it's not really different than playing without the R1. I don't necessarily think it's the R1 though. I just think between all the patches and the shitty servers from Activision, it's starting to bog down no matter what.

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Thanks for the help, I just want to use the router for what it is intended for. Can even get host filtering to work and this router isn't what everyone says it is. My netgear nighthawk ran better and had a lot more fun but it lacked the ability to be consistent during game play because of not having host filtering to get host that are closer to you.

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Finally got back on, re-setup wifi and now I only have 3 devices hooked to router. Phone, ps4, and laptop. Issue now is that I still don't see host filtering, I have slower internet to what playstation can't even load my character correctly, and I made sure all of the Internet is towards my ps4. I don't know if I just got a faulty router or people who say this is the best gaming router are lying. I kept things on default and had horrible experience so far. I pay for 50 by 5 internet which is the best in my area and I only get 20 download and 3 upload. If I use my netgear nighthawk I get 55 by 6. If anyone having these issues and not getting any host filtering where you can't see any of the icon and found a way to fix it, please let me know.

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Having issues loading pic, under select service I have playstation 4 with playstation network PA- show host checked-says disable below. Geo filter I have checked auto ping host, kilometres, show dormant hosts, show legend, strict mode. Distance set 1190.00km, ping at 35.

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Having issues loading pic, under select service I have playstation 4 with playstation network PA- show host checked-says disable below. Geo filter I have checked auto ping host, kilometres, show dormant hosts, show legend, strict mode. Distance set 1190.00km, ping at 35.

Click on choose file then attach it.

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I figured out the issue, I have to use chrome Internet to see host icons, instead of Internet explorer due to it not able to see icons. All I have to do now is get accurate settings because every game I join I die really quickly, takes half a mag to kill someone, and when I aim down sights it takes a moment before reacting. I think I have to do port forwarding, anyone have ideas?

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I figured out the issue, I have to use chrome Internet to see host icons, instead of Internet explorer due to it not able to see icons. All I have to do now is get accurate settings because every game I join I die really quickly, takes half a mag to kill someone, and when I aim down sights it takes a moment before reacting. I think I have to do port forwarding, anyone have ideas?



Start here. Did you take the "tour" on the router interface? That will help you figure out the general setup. Then we can help you fine-tune from there. There's a upnp built in. The tour is the ? in the interface menu.

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I got this router a week before Christmas when AW was just p2p hosts and I promise you now this router is everything everyone makes it out to be,unfortunately the game AW if that's what you are playing is awful,the dedicated server are incredibly hit and miss,I meen I can play one round of domination and it's super smooth,a few players leave and new people join and the game goes completley tits up,ive played ghosts and destiny lately and it's a truly awesome gaming experience compared to AW,low ping to the dedi servers unfortunately doesn't meen a smooth experience and im sure loads will agree with this

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Thanks for the info, I did go through the tour already, every time I sign onto router the main screen ask me to do the tour all over again.

I'm playing AW and I get 1 game out of 20 matches where I can actually do something. I bought this router for AW.

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