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Wifi issues

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Hey guys,


I'm experiencing issues with the wifi on my R1. Basically I have several devices connected via wifi at any one time (normally am iPhone or two, then a 360 and an Xbox one) my ps4 and other Xbox are connected via cable, however if both 360/one and iPhone are connected it can kill the wifi on the r1 and the only way to get it back is to reboot the r1 by unplugging it and powering it back on.


I am on the latest firmware edition and it's a launch unit from when you did the early adopter edition.


Any help would be appreciated as my gf moans like hell when it drops out. This has only been an issue recently and nothing has changed with my setup.

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Hey Konvict,

I've been having the same problems, Wifi Freezing up and only option is to reboot.

As Zennon has already suggested, try using a different Wifi channel, one thats less congested. That seems to be working for me at the mo.


Hope you manage to get it sorted :)

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That's not enabled.

 konvict  check out the Netgear Wifi Analytics app on the Google Play store.  It's pretty sweet.  You can scan all the wifi channels and see which one is the least congested.  It does other things too. Mess around with it a bit and you'll get the hang of it.



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90% of my wifi issues are related to the wifi channel.  Most of my neighbors have auto switching channels that switch at times and cause my wifi issues.  I just change to a new wifi channel and it is good to go for a while. The other 10% are related to the number of people on my network (i.e during parties or lots of people at the house).  

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