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You can't stop dedis. It sucks, but it's true. It was about 50/50 for me tonight. I played earlier and went 16-3, 14-2. Tonight I had a few good games and then a stretch of a few bad ones. Dedis are brutal.

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It is the game, I had two of the worst gaming sessions I have ever had in the last two days then last night it all flipped back to playing well.......ish.

I think clan wars started last night and that usually messes things up. Very unbalanced games last night like every game one team were stomping the other. tdm 45-75 etc then played a game of dom and was on the winning team with at 200-27 or something equally mental.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Murdoch, we could allow you deny dedicated servers. However that would most likely break the game or at the least cause lobby booting. So obviously we don't want to do that.


Can you try an older cod and see if it helps? If it doesn't then you maybe getting lag elsewhere and the R1 in most instances can help. Let me know so I can assist further. 

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