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summat went daft when trying to ping.

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So was playing a few games last night and out of the blue I got the something went wrong when trying to ping msg. I ignored it and just kept playing.

Tonight I have the same issue as soon as I enter a mp game.

I have turned stuff off and on again. Switched off anti virus firewall stuff etc and still getting the issue.

Anybody got any ideas?

Im guessing it makes no difference to the performance of the R1.

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Everything is unticked in vpn section,

I don't have a VPN and hav'nt changed anything.

Its not making life hard or owt Ive just gone 17-3 with a spm of 286 in hctdm but i just like shit to work lol. :)

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I've had both of these issues but I'm on a laptop but my screen does go to sleep so I always assumed it was that.


I have an issue where the pinging stops every few seconds though, so it'll get a ping to the server and display the graph but then it appears to lose it and then I get the loading animation instead of the 'ping line'. Still haven't worked out what causes this though.


For me, I did wonder if it could well be that the graph just thinks "this connection is so shit that I can't be bothered"

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