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NETDUMA DOESN'T work in South-America? Help!

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I'm from Ecuador, i have 30 down 5 up trought docsis 3.0, sadly in the area where i live doesnt have any internet fiber providor. I cant find solid games in Black Ops 3 as well for Destiny in PS4.I bought this product because the lag is totally exasperating and my playing experience is terrible. I always go to North American servers with a latency of 130 ms and my gameplay becomes tormenting when i change the Ping Assist from 50ms to 110ms, otherwise doesnt find any games. I have about 1900 km in the Geo-Filter and Ping of 70ms to find any host in Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela and Peru without success.



My purpose was to buy this router to connect with hosts or servers Latin America and South America and I dont have any FAVORABLE RESULTS!I



i have the ports opened (at the time of the capture screen the ports were disabled) and I also have UPnP enabled.



I need help because I went through a lot to get this particular router and I have no good results it is very frustrationg joining game with a latency of 130 ms and always getting a KD ratio about 12/30. Its impossible to me even hav3 a single killstreak in Black Ops 3, have the same issue in Advanced Warfare and Destiny. I was watching a lot of videos, posts and reviews of people getting so hype about this router because the geo filter, dominate lag feature and bla bla... and i though this could help me.



I need help and i just wanted to know if im doing anything wrong or need to fix some settings or simple this router doesnt work properly in South America. Cheers from Ecuador to this awesome forum!




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Hello, I posted a reply in your last thread, you didn't respond. Did you try my suggestions?

Yes i just everything and nothing seems to work! Im really desesperate. The lag in my country is so terrible, im about to put in sell my PS4 because my multiplayer experience is dead!

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I am aware that the Call of Duty servers are mostly in the United States and South America server exists only in Brazil. I am desperate!

i have my geo-filter in the area of Ecuador with my ping 0 to find hosts in South Americans and i do not have any kind of success. The nearest server with the relatively lower latency is is Florida, I have set my geo-filter in that area with a ping assist of 0 and managed to enter games with a latency of 110 ms - 140 ms even there are times when it reaches 160 ms.


So, I pinged the server that is in Brazil wich is relatively more closely to my country with a result of 250 ms.

I just want to know if there is any hope for South-America users especially for me? This router really works for South America? 


I do not want to accept the fact that I made a bad investment and I wasted $200, just need to know any fix, any tweek or if im doing something wrong. This is really, really kiling my online experience. Im very happy for those happy customers, sadly im not one of those. PLEASE HELP!



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I've merged these threads as they are by the same OP with the same issues.  There is no need to make multiple threads, this only slows the service process and divides efforts by the staff to answer questions and provide guidance.

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I've merged these threads as they are by the same OP with the same issues.  There is no need to make multiple threads, this only slows the service process and divides efforts by the staff to answer questions and provide guidance.

Yes, I'm aware of that. Just try "to walk in my shoes" as a costumer. I'm really desesperate.

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Post in the 1 on 1 section after the pinned thread & I'll take a look :)


Hey, I posted in your thread about requesting a 1 on 1. 


However it would be very useful to know your base ping as Zennon has described what do to above.

Should i made a new thread or topic in 1 on 1? I dont want to get banned of this forum or something. I just really need help with this. Thanks.

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