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This thing is rubbish

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Your connection isn't going to be worse is it.


Post your settings* in here and someone will no doubt be able to help you with your setup.



*The settings that it asks you for in the first post of the support section (the bit you didn't bother to read before you threw your toys out of the pram).

Here... http://forum.netduma.com/topic/11776-please-read-before-posting-a-support-thread/

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My connection is worse using Netduma. Tried and tried but can't see what the hype is. Time to get rid I think.

Instead of saying this thing is rubbish what exactly is the issue you mentioned your connection is worse but worse in what way have you read the wiki on how to set things up correctly?

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  • Administrators

Hey, it's impossible for it to make your connection worse. It sounds to me like your settings are incorrect.


Please update your post with the information from the thread provided by Colonic. 


You can also provide us with screenshots from here http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=lag_support_instructions


Help us help you. 

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