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I'm raging over lag!

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What can i do? I play with an avarage ping with 60+....

xbox one yes i have the correct settings....so please leave it...

I live in Sweden.... 


I HATE the lag...i cant play...hitmarkers off i have to use the shotgun to get kills...


Netduma owner since the start so its nothing new to me...


Any advice how to manage the RAGE??!!!!


Answer is below :) Click that thumbs up and comment down below...fanboy!


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This could be an interesting thread.... *grabs some popcorn*


Grab a couple of hand weights and do some curls or presses instead of watching the kill cam?  Exercise increases blood flow, keeps the arms and hands fed with blood to keep them active and exercise increases endorphins, which make you happier.


Adult beverage?  I have found my accuracy goes down, but my "meh, that was a crap death, oh well" goes up.  :D  After a couple of drinks in I'm complete shite, at a higher rate than normal however, so use sparingly.   :ph34r:


Heavy bag?  Get in a quick "1-2, repeat" session to get it out and be done with it?

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Not watching kill cams... exercise...well Mountainbiking 6 hours a week, crossfit 1 hour, fuck my wife ...is that enough? 


I can't stand the LAG MAN! You should try to play with 60 ping (EVERY YEAR 60 PING)! Everything is bullsh1t!

Not even Fiber 100mbit would help me sh1t! 

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If you are talking about black ops 3 it's the game. I connect with 10 Ms of ping and still lag. On HC tdm medium range with the mow and 3-5 hit markers.

A friend I game with goes 44-4 one game and the very next game he quits at 0-8 and I can't blame him really.

The game is a total lottery, my R1 does exactly what it is supposed to do so the only thing left is the game itself.

It's King of 50/50 for me and if it gets to the point where I feel a rage coming on I just take out the disk and play something else or watch a movie

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LOL - I was just sharing some thoughts on the Texas dedi's with another member, Alex49, on Twitter from last night.  I can ping locally and get sub 30ms games most of the time, but I was playing on Texas boxes last night with a 66ms in game average and it played pretty well (for me) given the occasional hit markers. Now, I was using my melee weapons or my AR's - so my engagements were obviously tainted there in a direct comparison.


I think it's the game right now, to be honest.  And I am/was/are a bigger fan of the Treyarch games, so yeah. :(  *sad panda*


Have you tried one of the older variants with Geo Filter and Hyper Lane?  I tested some BO2 with Hyper Lane on the 360 back when we were #Canary testing and I was crapping in high cotton.  It played REALLY well and I was getting the types of games you see on game play channels.  

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I remember playing a few games of blops2 with dill at the end of Aw (I'm in uk he is in USA)and we had around 160 ms + ping between us and we were topping the leader boards every game

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LOL - I was just sharing some thoughts on the Texas dedi's with another member, Alex49, on Twitter from last night. I can ping locally and get sub 30ms games most of the time, but I was playing on Texas boxes last night with a 66ms in game average and it played pretty well (for me) given the occasional hit markers. Now, I was using my melee weapons or my AR's - so my engagements were obviously tainted there in a direct comparison.


I think it's the game right now, to be honest. And I am/was/are a bigger fan of the Treyarch games, so yeah. :( *sad panda*


Have you tried one of the older variants with Geo Filter and Hyper Lane? I tested some BO2 with Hyper Lane on the 360 back when we were #Canary testing and I was crapping in high cotton. It played REALLY well and I was getting the types of games you see on game play channels.

Thanks for the shout out! Yeah I can only play on that Texas server at 52ms and I can testify it is a love / hate relationship. Love more than the So Cal servers. With Double XP on now we know how that plays out!

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This is funny, this post came right at the time when I am having like the same exact feelings. Lately I have been pretty damn close to just flipping out and really raging hard. this game is BS I only have real FUN in the zombies mode with my friends, and even then I cant escape the lag, but at least there a half a second delay isnt going to completely dominate you.


Idk man.... just hang in there and wait for the internet to be upgraded to where we are all sending packets at the speed of light!! Thats what I am doing. Netduma cant do anything against the lag. I get four bars and still lag, every game. 28 ms avg. (2.8% of a second)-yea that is really fast, yet I still lag like my bullets are carrying a 60 pound weight around in the air. 


Its horrible. I feel you bro, I really do.

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  • 1 month later...

Feel so good not playing this shit game since i broke the disc! LOL! I think i will buy the next Battlefield...


Battlefield 1 ?

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LOL - I was just sharing some thoughts on the Texas dedi's with another member, Alex49, on Twitter from last night.  I can ping locally and get sub 30ms games most of the time, but I was playing on Texas boxes last night with a 66ms in game average and it played pretty well (for me) given the occasional hit markers. Now, I was using my melee weapons or my AR's - so my engagements were obviously tainted there in a direct comparison.


I think it's the game right now, to be honest.  And I am/was/are a bigger fan of the Treyarch games, so yeah. :(  *sad panda*


Have you tried one of the older variants with Geo Filter and Hyper Lane?  I tested some BO2 with Hyper Lane on the 360 back when we were #Canary testing and I was crapping in high cotton.  It played REALLY well and I was getting the types of games you see on game play channels.  

When I was still playing this game this was my server of choice, wasn't the best ping it was around 60ms but it was steady and played well for me on the xboner. I really didn't have lag anymore but I did grow bored of this game for some reason. Maybe it was the lack of rage from lag? The lack of searching for that one lag free game? Donno.

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