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A Couple of Questions

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Hi. I just got my Netduma a couple of days ago so please forgive my noobiness


1) Should I unplug my Netduma router whenever I'm not using it? Whenever I do, the next time I plug it back on, my settings would be reset. I usually unplug my modem too


2) Congestion Control: My house/family use 7 devices in total and we split it by 14 each. (by default) So let's say only 1 out of those 7 devices is "on" and the remaining 6 are "dormant". Does the Netduma prioritize the only one that is "on"? Does it get all the bandwidth?


My internet speed is around 100 down and 100 up

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HI!  Thanks for purchasing and don't worry, we were all noobs once. :D


Don't unplug the device, it's not needed unless you are moving or going to be out of town for a decade.  There is no reason to unplug either device, unless you are REALLY paranoid, because they are very low use items in the wattage scale.


You can prioritize your house however you want, but if you have the latest version of the software, you will want to put your gaming console in the Hyper Lane so it receives packet priority when gaming.


Make sure 'Share Excess' is ticked.  This will allow the rest of the devices to share when only a couple of them are active at a time.


You internet is blistering, so you shouldn't have any issues with sharing the "left over" bandwidth.





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1 Leave the Netduma in at all times it can help with local congestion even when you are not gaming to keep the pings low when people are streaming so you can still open web pages fast as well.


2 I would suggest 70% each way with the device priority reset (all taking the same slice of the pie) and share excess on.


If you are on .6 of the firmware add your console to the hyperlane at the bottom of the CC page if you have a lower firmware let us know and we can tell you how to upgrade.

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Thanks for the answers and the warm welcome!


I don't like capping my bandwidth. When I did, I lost a lot of gunfights in CoD :(


I think my firmware is Version 1.03.6. How can I do that hyper lane stuff?

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Hyper lane is at the bottom of the congestion control page just select your console and add.


Capping the bandwidth to 70& is to leave a 30% headroom so if others are on your network they do not create jitter and lag while you game from local congestion.

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It is if you have people on your network surfing and streaming or even if you are the sole user and your phone is online sometimes updating app's in the background or you laptop doing a windows update can all create latency, jitter (ping spikes).


I always have mine set to 70% up and down all the time to keep the local network congestion free.

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Lena - Most of us here play at being helpful, but Fraser and Zennon are Grand Wizards in this realm, so I can't really add anything further.  Master Yoda Zennon has dropped knowledge and disappeared again..... :ph34r:

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Thanks for all the tips! I have more questions...


How can I have my own profile as the default? It's pretty annoying changing it back to my settings every time I open my browser


And I tried naming my devices on the congestion settings but after a couple of days, HALF of them got renamed back to "nameless device" again. Why does this happen?

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So I added two PS4s to hyper lane and I thought it was all good. I turned my PC off and my brother unplugged both the Netduma router and the modem. (even though I told him to never unplug them) The next day, I turned my PC on and checked the Congestion Control settings. The two PS4s weren't on the hyper lane anymore. Do I have to add them to hyper lane every time I play? If so, that's a huge pain. P.S. I have my cookies enabled

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Is the reboot button the answer? Some of my settings on Host Filtering and Congestion Control disappear a lot of times even though I have enabled cookies. It's very inconsistent


I wish there was a simple "save settings" button

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Rebooting does save the settings or wait a few hours.


I suggest rebooting from misc settings straight away after setting up to see if that works for you.

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