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Please help with ping?


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Try ticking strict on you geo filter. It isn't in your first pic. make filter around 1000km

Lower your congestion control to about 70% and see if that helps.

Don't forget to leave things for two minutes after you have left a lobby and made any changes.

See if that helps

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Set your caps up and down to 100% and run a speed test to see what speed you are actually getting.

Then input them into your bandwidth settings.

Then try playing with caps at 70% and see how you go.

If you are trying on Advanced Warfare at the minute the games is a bit of a mess. I usually have about 80% good games with the Netduma but last night I had about 20%.

tdm KDR ranging from 0.34 to 11. same server same lobby!!!!

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I really cant say if it lags because its pretty subjective. All i can say and the graph seems to support this, is that my hit detection is great at times and then terrible all in the same game. With frame rates that go in and out at times

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  • Netduma Staff

I really cant say if it lags because its pretty subjective. All i can say and the graph seems to support this, is that my hit detection is great at times and then terrible all in the same game. With frame rates that go in and out at times


Ok fair enough. The frame rate won't be anything to do with the ping I don't think - that will be the console.


I don't think the ping was too bad (thats just imo though - its subjective) maybe the jitter was a little bit high but then again, only 15ms. The bad games, as Bagsta said are probably just AW - the game can vary massively.


imo, if it is some games which are good and some games which are bad, try and identify the bad hosts and if it lets you, block them. If it doesn't try and avoid them by making GeoFilter smaller/move your home location.


Finally, to make sure your GeoFilter is around the right size to start off with, make it as small as it will go then press the snap button twice - then i should be at around the right distance to get good games but find them fast.


Finally in the device prioritisation, try and give your console a little but more and see if that helps you out with lower pings/less jitter  :)

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks guys for the reply. I pretty much echo what everyone is saying.


Your ping is about as low as its gonna get, you have a bit of jitter. But looking at your Diagnosis result I think its more to do with your physical line & the remote host. If you want us to futher analyse can you do the Internet Diagnosis test again and click the details page. But it looks pretty well setup to me.


One thing though, your menu repeats itself on the left. What device & browser are you using? 

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ok thats what I expected, the jitter is inherently part of your connection. Don't worry its not a big deal but you seem to have a jitter of about 10ms. 


To explain the Internet Diagnosis check disables all devices so they can't interfere with the trial. Then it ping's google(a good measure of your last mile). So you can see without doing anything your connection has a bit of jitter. 

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Having tested my freinds who have jitter it can have two effects


Because the game cannot judge your ping in real time it takes a snap shot in the lobby.


You ping 20ms as the lobby weighs up your ping and set's it so , during the match you have jitter upwards by 10ms in these situations you are 10ms behind everyone.


You ping at 30ms as the lobby see your ping but during the match your ping goes down to 20ms during these times you are 10ms in front of the other players.


Many people have jitter now a days and this is why there is so many discrepancies in online gaming in my eyes.


On a friends connection at one point was having 400ms jitter some games the test would go 2-20 then 23-1 when in god mode with 389ms advantage from a 11ms base ping.


This is why there is a spate of people who download torrents when in the lobby and stop when the game begins.


These are my findings and are not gospel , but the findings show some telling results for me.

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