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Temp server ban

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 I've been having the same issues for the past few days as well.  (Xbone blops3)


 I've factory reset, rebooted, flushed cloud etc etc.... Something goofy going on with the dedi locations and unable to temp-ban anything.

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 So I just logged in today and temp-ban is back and working again.  Maybe I was missing a step or something, perhaps rebooting my modem or just allowing the Netduma adequate time to update properly was the issue. Not a clue why I had this issue for a couple nights in a row, but all is well now. Sorry to clog this topic up.


 Anybody else ever have this issue?  Infamous, Scooby.. ? You guys still have this issue or is it fixed ?   How goes it..?

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  Happening again today. Dedi's not showing up as dedis anywhere, so can't temp-ban anything.  Typically wouldn't worry about something like this or comment, but this is a feature I use quite a bit and benefit from.


 I'm having some ipv6/4 issues and going back and forth due to my ISP downgrading me last week.  Any chance this could be related to that? Just a cloud issue?  I'm at a loss here, usually can figure this stuff out if it's on my end.

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They have new banks of dedi's all over and who knows why the hell they decided to activate them now but they did.I've been getting lots of so called P2P games i.e.update button but the game version at the upper right hand corner of the screen has an e after the version,so it's a dedi.But shows as a P2P host.


I sent Fraser a few of the ID's and we'll see what's going on after he checks them out.But a really odd time IMO to activate new dedi's but they've been screwing with the game pretty much daily for the past 6 weeks.

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