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Battlefield 4 and Hardline Support

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Hello Netduma team!


I have a feature request, could you guys add support for the Battlefield games. Such as Battlefield 4, Hardline and other future Battlefield releases?




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  • Netduma Staff

I'm not sure what console you are on, but the Netduma buyer guide says that BF4 is supported on Xbox 360. I've seen posts of people using the Netduma with Hardline and have spoken to people who have used it on Hardline - so although it may not be officially supported and/or tested, I think it works. There is a thread here at the moment that is discussing the Battlefield Hardline :)

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Crossy is correct. However I will look into acquiring them if anyone experiences issues. Have you tried it with the Geo-filter at all?

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I use Hardline with the geo and it works , i just have to include a little bit of europe from a uk home placement like this.

I am not on my xbox now so ive drawn where the server is from memory.


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In hardline the servers I always got where in Amsterdam, which woul match up with the General locale of your graphic I think (on phone). Pinged great at 25ms from UK so no issues with them being in Europe.

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No issues here, i was always a cod fan boy but thats all changed now , happy days.


I have taken a real screen shot now , it now shows a server in Ireland that was not there yesterday.


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Ok Great Thanks Fraser! I haven't tried the R1 with Geo yet but now that I see my fellow comrades Zennon and Buds have tried it. I will do so and get back with results and if there are any issues with the online gaming experience.


I do not have xbox360. I am on PS4 console Crossy.


Thanks everyone for the valuable input. I'll repost after testing the R1 out with BF4 on PS4.

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Nice one Zennon,


Sweeper where are you based? 

Central plains,my geo cover around 1000km with pa 40


when i  play blood money  am likely to get connected to EU server but on other game-mode i see more  servers in usa.


so certain game-mode on certain servers?

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Hi Gents,


I have been use the R1 since Hardline came out with no problems but last night and this morning I cant connect to any server unless I disable the router. I increased my geo filter to almost cove the whole US and still no luck. Any advise would be appreciated.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi..anyone losing connections from servers on BF4? yesterday I was on a west coast server that I've been playing on and I lost connections 3 times. I tried one in the mid state and lost connection at the end of the game. Weird because these servers played well for me.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ortiz for BF probably best to just disable the Geo-Filter once your in the game. If you use server selection feature then you might as well disable the GF when you're playing. 

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