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So let me understand. Lol

Mr fncypants

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  • Netduma Staff

If you have ping assist at 10ms, the reason the lobbies are better is probably because ping assist isn't doing anything. Ping assist will allow you to connect to hosts outside of your GeoFilter range if they are below the ping assist you have set. The symbols on the legend have not been updated so you might want to look here to see what the ping assist symbol looks like and some of the other ones in the new update.


Geofilter at 500km might be a bit small, 1000km is usually ok and it helps you find games quicker, but if you getting good games at 500km, there's no point changing it :)


The reason you are seeing the large red circle outside of your GeoFilter is because you don't have strict mode enabled. Having it disabled means that even if it is out of your range, it will allow you to connect to dedicated servers which are close by, but not inside of your GeoFilter.


This means that waiting time for lobbies is decreases. Enabling strict mode will mean that you will only ever connect to lobbies within your GeoFilter.


Hope this has answered your questions :)

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Hi guys I have strict mode on and I still connect to dedicated servers outside my geo in fact that's all I've been getting and its doing my nut there trash lol

Did you try rebooting your modem, router and system (one at a time in that order)? Don't use the reset button on the duma. Just unplug it (in my opinion) See if that works.
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Guest Netduma_Iain

Mark the circles will match the colour of the console in the service selection at the top.


Scooby if you have strict mode on, the only circles that should appear outside will have a dotted outline, meaing they are ping assisted. I would highly recommend playing on them as they represent hosts that are in the wrong location on our map but if you don't like them set your ping assist to 0ms.


Cheers Crossy for great explanation! 

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Thanks I updated the router but when I go in a game I start with a host inside my filter range then when I go into game it connects to an American server why is it doing that never before help

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