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Guys help I think am making something wrong...


First of all am living on Cyprus


I connect the router with bridge mode.


I set everything


And I tried to play COD AW


I put home to mid europe

And i put

Distance to 1000kh and

Ping assist to 20ms


Normally 20 ms ping it's impossible for Cyprus

But router found me very easy 5-6 games

But my ping was over 100ms and i did had lag..


So what i do wrong??


P.S. Is there any phone app to control the router?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Under select games/services, for your console do you either have Xbox Live PA or Play station Network PA selected? Also what does the button say for your device 'disable' or 'enable'?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

here is the screen shot

now the ps4 its not open yet

but that was my settings


Youll need to choose Play station network PA as the non PA version is redundant. Also enable strict mode and you should be good to go :)

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Guest Netduma Fraser

same again


PA set to 40

and am playing with 150ms


Looks like thats just the host. However, you have something outside your filter which is coming up so have you waited 2 mins between games for the Geo-filter to clear - http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_anti_cheatalso have you chosen the PA version of the play station network?

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Haha no worries but just to add to it. That is actually a player host so you can block it :)


Okay what the ping diagnostics does is disconnect all your devices from the network so it can indicate if theres any problems that your ISP can help with. Can you click the show details button and post another screenshot please.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

That may be because of the time of day. Speedtest.net pings the closest server to you but the internet diagnosis pings which is google but it shouldn't be so high for google. If you turn off the R1 and then turn off modem for 30 seconds and then turn it on again. Then turn on the R1 and do a internet diagnostics again. 

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That may be because of the time of day. Speedtest.net pings the closest server to you but the internet diagnosis pings which is google but it shouldn't be so high for google. If you turn off the R1 and then turn off modem for 30 seconds and then turn it on again. Then turn on the R1 and do a internet diagnostics again. 



still the same

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PA will allow you to find games within your PA value that are outside of your geo filter. You will still be able to find games that are within your geo filter which may be higher than your PA value. Using strict mode will help you find the best game available.

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  • Netduma Staff

ok i will call them tomorrow

something that i cant understand

how its possible to set my ping assist to 30-55ms

and always joining games over 110ms ??

so whats the point of PA ????


To allow games that are under what ever you set the PA to if they are not in your GeoFilter range. More info here. :)

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Ok i read that..


Let's say am living to Cyprus


And i don't really care about distance


How can i get games that are below 40ms

And not 100+

What I mean it's that for me most important it's the ping so how to set it to get the desired ping in my games??

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Ok i read that..


Let's say am living to Cyprus


And i don't really care about distance


How can i get games that are below 40ms

And not 100+

What I mean it's that for me most important it's the ping so how to set it to get the desired ping in my games??


So have you now selected the PA version of PSN? Once thats selected set the PA assist to 40ms but considering your ping diagnostics it may be difficult to get a game that low. Before PA wasnt working as you hadnt selected the PA service.

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I did.. But still getting games over 100ms

What its the ideal distance and were to put my home??


Also i have pa psn enable (but still nothing) it's like don't even have settings for PA and its getting only the distance

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PA only works in conjunction with the geo filter. Thus the Ping "Assist" name. It's there to Assist the geo filter. It's not intended to work strictly on it's own.


There is a trick that many of us have tried including myself... you put your home location in the middle of the ocean and shrink the distance to the lowest possible setting so you aren't covering any land to pull a host from. Then set your PA to whatever you want it to and theoretically it would find games at only your PA setting. This setting never really worked well for me personally. I would also like to state that this is NOT recommended by the Netduma staff nor is it endorsed and/or tested. This was simply a trick that the community came up with.


Also as stated above, with your internet diagnostic tests showing issues with your connection, you will most likely never get a game at 40ms. It seems like you have a problem with your internet line that your ISP will need to work out with you before you're able to get the R1 to function fully.

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what i noticed because my provider its cablenet and not DSL (30 upload, 2 download)

at normal time i have ping from 40-50 ms

at rush times i have ping 80 - 110 ms


even when i have good ping from my provider (normal hours) i cant found games below 80ms, and this is still strange


what am thinking and let me know if thats can be done


if i open my distance circle to around 500,000 instead of 100,000 maybe it would found easier pings near 50ms ?????

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