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Connecting to Deid Servers Outside of Geo Filter


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  • Netduma Staff

I am connecting to Deid. Servers with my geo filter set as low as possible.  Since I can not block server, and my PA is set to zero and off, what are my options?  Thanks guys, MR


First of all, it is probably best if you are running the latest version.


Secondly, is strict mode enabled?


Finally, make sure that you are using XBL/PSN PA, not the normal versions.


It might be easier if you post a screen shot of the top of the GeoFilter and the map :)

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strict mode on.  XBL/PA off.  I was trying to Eliminate the possibility of PA being the reason why I was connecting,  Running 1.02.7


The only thing I can figure is when I log on COD downloads my profile from somewhere.  I have waited 10 min.s (anti cheat) and the server will not go away.  Every game I play is on that server and the ping is 120 ms!!!

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Map was blank.  I try to join DOM.  Message that i have lost connection to xbox server.  I try again and join this lobby in in about 10 seconds.  Ping to guy in south america @ 120 ms.  I'm confused.  My PA is low, my radius is low.  what happened?  only two people are inside my circle.  I just noticed guy in Canada, so I did not ping him.  Ping to Deid in Seattle was 35 ms



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Make sure you are 1.02.7 and are using the XBL PA. Iain told me on another post that the regular XBL service is obsolete in 1.02.7. I am in Louisiana and have the same problem with that server that shows seattle. Just set the PA bar to 0 and you should see a lock over that server and you won't connect to it. It does take a little longer to find games though.


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Caldera, im in uk and i have geofilter set to uk, ping set to 35ms and i keep connecting to that server shown above right on the west coast of usa.

Fraser and the guys said that was the ping assist that was doing it for me but if yours is disabled god knows!!

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Glad you figured it out Caldera :)


Marc, there are hundreds if not thousands of hosts in Seattle. So he was actually connecting to a Seattle host which he obviously doesn't want. You are connecting to a host in the UK but our database thinks its in Seattle. We will move it to UK in next cloud update.


You can tell its a wrong location because the ping is way too low to be in Seattle for you. Hope that helps. 

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I thought it was a deid server because I could not black list it.  So to not connect to this server I start the game, and then wait till server disappears, then set geo filter to strict.  I do agree, 32-35 ms ping time is extremely low for a server that's a 4 hour flight away!!

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Cheers Marc


Caldera we will be releasing update with host ids very soon. After that let me know the id then and I'll fix it in the cloud :)

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Awesome.  I have another idea(plz let me know if i'm out of line posting this in a reply or should I have started a new thread).  When I have a friend on XBL, I join a party with them and see where their ip shows on the map and then label them. Then I set them @ 100% so I always connect with them.  However, I have so many that if I ever want to change their settings, I can not find them because there is a pile of dots at 100%.  Maybe a searchable list of all ip addresses that have been labeled and ability to change their rating.  Or is that what you are saying is going to be in 1.03

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Awesome.  I have another idea(plz let me know if i'm out of line posting this in a reply or should I have started a new thread).  When I have a friend on XBL, I join a party with them and see where their ip shows on the map and then label them. Then I set them @ 100% so I always connect with them.  However, I have so many that if I ever want to change their settings, I can not find them because there is a pile of dots at 100%.  Maybe a searchable list of all ip addresses that have been labeled and ability to change their rating.  Or is that what you are saying is going to be in 1.03


You could have started a new thread but no worries at all. Wouldn't allow you to see the IPs but there could be an easier way to show the named hosts so you can quickly edit them, good idea :) What Iain is referring to is giving servers/hosts etc a unique ID instead of showing their IPs so people can tell us if something is mislocated or needs to be white listed etc :)

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi buddy,


you should not see solid circles appearing outside your geo-filter please make sure that strict mode is on!

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