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Connecting to hosts outside my geofilter

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Hi Zennon as requested please see attached.


9 times out of 10 my opponents are coming from the same state as shown in the second attachment.


Please advise me what to do.


Thank you.



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Hi Netduma Fraser,


Over the week end that had just past, I was connecting to opponents outside of my geo filter 9 times out of 10 and they were all coming from the same state as shown in the second attachment above.


Sometimes I would connect to them when ping assist was on 0 or on 35, and when connecting through ping assist it "wasn't" always showing a nuke symbol.


So basically 3 days straight the identical thing was happening connecting to opponents from that state and the ps4 was not on 24/7. I would turn it off for hours.


I also rebooted the R1 many times And even tried the factory reset twice and the same thing was still happening.


When I would find an opponent from my state and that's after searching for hours the games speed was fair but when I was getting connected to opponents out of my geo I could not put a finger on them it was so unfair and that is a understatement.


Please guide me on how to fix this problem as I need the problem resolved.

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Are you waiting 2 minutes after making a change as Fraser asks?


Also in the service you have the PlayStation change it to anything else so a pc and using the dota service then change it back to your console on the psn.


To rule out a bugged out service

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Change the service from your console to anything at all then back to the console to make sure the service has not bugged.


They were just a suggestion to change to, anything will do.

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