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Cant seem to get anything working with the R1

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Hi guys at netduma i bought your router on thursday 5/3/15 and recieved it 6/3/15 i followed all instructions by the book and got into my control panel, but as soon as i began editing it i began with geo filter i live in uk so moved my location to there on the geo map, set my upload and down to 75% each as i was following a guide for this on youtube his name is SIM. 

So i will walk you through as accurately as possible what i have edited on my R1


*Changed my routers name & password (which work) 


*set my geofilter radius to around 1200 radius so just hitting holland.


*my ps4 was connected by lan & showed up on the select service along with my gf laptop


*internet connection settings were at-

wireless = enabled

security mode = WPA-PSK2


Channel= 7

Bandwidth= 2.4ghz


And that is how far i got until it said Error code 10060 connection to failed, looked down at my R1 no wifi light so tried the panel again & the exact same error code came up. I am with sky fibre on the sr101 isp btw incase you need to know . I have posted in the forum last night and someone gave me a link to follow. I followed the instructions but kept having a dns error with the ip address given, i do not know how to sort out this problem, i would really appreciate it if i could get as much help as possible and a how to guide of how to set it up or sort the issues with these errors, also i am on windows vista atm as my laptop is currently in repair

Thanks for your time

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Sky uses MER autentication which the duma does not handle at the moment iirc, are you using your sky router connected to your netduma as this would need to be the correct set up.

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my netduma is linked in with sky hub via red ethernet cable. no wifi light on the r1 but sky is working perfectly fine. i aint a tech genius so i know hardly nothing compared to most. really want this to work for me as ive seen how great the r1 can be

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  • Netduma Staff


hey raddy i looked up your last post  :) um no im on sr101 been with sky for 4 years now. i dont get why i cant access the control panel bro as it worked for 10 minutes then cut out saying dns error or error 10060


Is the issue that you can't access the Netduma control panel? If it is, its probably nothing to do with the Sky Modem. I was the person that posted that link in your other post :D


When trying to access the router home page, are you definitely connected to the R1 WiFi because if you are connected to the WiFi, the WiFi light should come on? Maybe you could connect via wired connection? When you connect to the R1 WiFi/wire, what is the default gateway? When you were changing the settings, is it possible that you changed the host address in Settings >> Lan?




If you look at the default gateway on the device you are connected to and it is not the same as the one above, type that into your browser instead and see if you can connect :)

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yes bro the white hub thank god you know lol

Ok first thing to do is hard reset your Hub, at the top where your ADSL cable goes into your router there is a button just underneath (reset button). So hold that in for about 20 secs or untill the top light on your router flashes then stops and wait a few minutes untill its all back up, then in your browser enter and use (username) admin and (password) sky then you should be in your router dashboard. Let me know when you have done this.

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yes i cant access the panel at all mate. the host address i didnt touch. no wifi on my netduma its saying i csan connect but there is no wifi connection. does that make sence?

Have you done as i said above.

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  • Netduma Staff

yes i cant access the panel at all mate. the host address i didnt touch. no wifi on my netduma its saying i csan connect but there is no wifi connection. does that make sence?


I think I understand. So there is a WiFi signal but it doesn't let you connect to it?

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I think I understand. So there is a WiFi signal but it doesn't let you connect to it?

This happened to me before, all i did was went into the wifi on the duma and changed the password and then re-tried using the new password and it worked.

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