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help on opening ports for my xbox for call of duty

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Hi my xbox one has been under strict nat type in the settings and my call of duty has been moderate or strict. can someone explain how i open ports for my netduma to get better power to my xbox and call of duty its been getting really annoying and i just need some help??? anyone

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is your netduma your only router or is it behind another router? Have you tried unchecking UPNP and then click apply and then rechecking upnp and restart xbone?

Great suggestion.


If I ever need to get an open NAT and it is always when my first router is rebooted and my duma is not, I uncheck UPnP then re check press the xbox home button start up another game (for a second) then quickly start cod back up and I get an open NAT no need to reboot the xbox :)

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Great suggestion.


If I ever need to get an open NAT and it is always when my first router is rebooted and my duma is not, I uncheck UPnP then re check press the xbox home button start up another game (for a second) then quickly start cod back up and I get an open NAT no need to reboot the xbox :)

Yep that works for me too.

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