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New Member From Cyprus


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Nice to meet you guys !!


am a guy from cyprus

and am on thinking to buy the R1 router ..


but first i need your lights in order to get the decision to place the order or not !!


my internet its Cablenet 30mbs


as you may know cyprus its an small island

do you believe that R1 can help me improve my lag game play etc ??


did you see any difference on your game play with the router? what i mean did you saw any big changes to your game now ?


i play most COD and BF 

please help me to get my decision !!

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Yia Sou ;)


If you read the forums you will see many people with great experiences after getting their R1, myself included. 


The product is great with a really outstanding dev and support team and many helpful users on the forum to help you tune your settings to get the most out of the router.  I am 100% happy with my purchase and the router is very much under active development so new features being added all the time.


IMO it's the best money you can spend to improve your online gaming experience

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Ok second question


Me and one friend of me

We are leaving at the same building..

Me at the first floor and him at the basement

We have different Internet connections..

Its there any possibility with 1 netduma to get both connected??


Or we need 2 netdumas?

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You would need two netdumas if you wanted to both benefit from the full features as you have seperate internet connections.


However if you are gaming together, then one could buy first and host the party so the friend gets the improved matchmaking as well.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks Buds & Akic.


Hello gkontos, Buds is correct if one of you is party leader you can test out the geo-filter for both of you. The other features like congestion control will only benefit the person with the router.


Hope that helps let us know if you have any further questions please.

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That really helps..

So we may need 2 netdumas

Because we play together as party onlyonly on weekends, and the other days alone as we have different times...


With 2 r1 we can connect to the same party?

How will this work?

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I started using R1 my kd woes 1.19 no it is 1.35 my win lose ratio woes 0.7 now is almost 1 ( 0.96) if I check weekly lead boards my kd is about 1.7 to 2+ monthly ones are  1.8 + I am currently in first 1.5 k of players in FFA in total and weekly and monthly if I have enough time always in first 500 .You can go to COD tracker and type boloMALAN and PSN and you can see some of my progress unfortunately I started it just 19.02.2015 so I doesn’t show the full progress since I got my R1. Love the hit detection just love it . Before I woes getting just a lot of blood thirsty medals(5 kill streak) where now I almost have 100 10 kill streaks medals about 15 15 kill streaks medals and 3 20 kill streaks medals and 1 25 kill streak medals. Next the scores streaks before I just run those that build up even when you die, now I don’t use them at all I can sometimes get my full streaks twice in one game of FFA( UVA -+ treat detection, Booming run+ Hidden, and Assault drone +rockets and AI controlled. I picked up a HBar and use it whit duma as I have not used it previously cause it woes just to slow I woes loosing every gun fight now I am almost 1.7 kd with it. Another thing is I have accualy came across people asking me to leva the lobby beacouse I woes beatsing or sanding me PM saing same thing or just calling me all sorts of thing BTW I never knew that people calling me bad names can acculay fell good

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thanks Luaksz! Glad other peoples anger brings you joy lol!


This is my suggestions

  • Going in solo each will require both of you have a duma to use the geo-filter
  • Two of you in same party only requires one duma. Usually only party leader leaves the geo-filter on
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Guest Netduma_Iain

Ping assist is part fo the geo-filter so if you're playing togther I'd suggest disabling the geo-filter for one person only when you're playing togther. I don't think there is at the moment but you can try asking at [email protected] :)

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I love playing COD and I live in Hawaii. Prior to this router, it was frustrating trying to find decent games as the COD matchmaking system is just plain terrible. Now I can find games with a decent connection as this router filters out hosts depending on how I have it set. I can't imagine ever going back to how it was without this router. This is easily the best money I have spent on any gaming related accessory and it also works great as a regular router as well besides just it's gaming specific features.


It won't help with BF4 though since you can choose the servers that you want to connect to already.

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Is it around 50-60 ms the games you get or less?

it's about 70ms to the california coast. if I play old COD's I can get hosts in the islands sometimes and that's 30ms or less. AW seems to be all dedicated at this point, so it's all in the mainland for that game.

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Guest Netduma Fraser

I do send them email before 3 days for some discount if i buy 2 netdumas, but they didn't answer me


Its currently almost 9:30pm here so your email would have been received after the work day has ended, I'm sure you will hear a response soon :)

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No offence but in the world of business, two devices is unlikely to qualify for any 'bulk' discount. Perhaps you will save on shipping but I wouldn't expect a discount on the hardware price.


However I know nothing and Netduma team will answer accordingly (just trying to manage expectations).

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