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Other set up because of strange results gives me questions?

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yoow guys, 


All the time i had my netduma connected to a Icidu 300 N and modem:Cisco EPC3925.

The speeds i got where 90 down and 12 up, with 10 ms ping.


Everything worked except for the thing that i had to play on  CC 40-25 to get a good connection in Black Ops 3. But if i do the speedtest it gave me a B with 18 m/s and 1 jitter. On DSL reports a A+-C-F. So not so good numbers on those tests but pretty good connection on black ops.


Now I changed the set-up from Cisco EPC 3925 to Netduma. Now the speed is 120 down and 12 up, that's where I pay for. In the Cisco the Netduma is static and the ps 4 is static in the Netduma. But now my ping is bad. It's dubbled. How can i get a good ping now? Everything is wired. What do i miss?

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I get better numbers for BB and quality when I run preemptive as opposed to reactive,but your milage may vary.


And if your getting A's that's fine,were finding that BB is not the end all be all of how your gaming session goes.

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On the forum most of the people get better results if they get an A and low ping and jitter. But I simply can't find the A. And what i found  out with the ICIDU in between that I got good measurments but that didn't result in good gameplays. The results with "bad'' numbers where better for my gameplay? So if almost everybody gets good results after good numbers why do I get bad numbers and good results. That makes it difficult for me to determine what is the really good setting for me. I always had a good connection but now i want to find the best optimal settings to have that max experience.

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And i know that speed isn't the crucial point. My thing is that I always had a really good connection. I always dominated on Call of Duty before I had a netduma. And with the Netduma after some experiments it got better. But i get so many "strange" measurments while everyone on the forum gets "good"' measurments and good results.


So do I need to do this on my own feeling to get it really good. Or can I fix it by measuring things?


Ive been testing for over a week now with different CC settings but i can't find the "numbers" and don't get it....

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I don't want to take anything away from what you're saying or experiencing, especially since you were seeing such great numbers before.  Just so you know not everyone gets great measurements all the time. Sometimes they just suck no matter what you try.  I normally see pings in the low to mid 20's, but every once and a while I see numbers in the mid 40's.  I try to determine what factors are causing the change, but it's anyone's guess, sometimes you just have to blame your ISP and other times it's stuff on your own network taking up your bandwidth even though it seems like the devices are dormant.  Some things to take into consideration are how many devices you have connected to your network and what are they doing when you think they're not doing anything.  I have almost 30 devices connected to my network, but obviously not all are active at once.  Maybe you can start doing some experiments by disabling some of the devices you think are dormant and see if it makes any changes.  Just a thought on something else you could do to rule out your own equipment as part of the issue.

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That's also a thing, i use no different devices. I only use Netduma and Playstation and PC. Everything by wire. There simply isn't anything that can mess things up because I want Optimal settings.

Maybe the Cisco modem isn't class a, possible...it's provided by my internet provider. But it gives me the speed that they say. I pay for 120 down/ 12 up and that's what I get. Directly from the modem to laptop. Or from modem to Netduma it's the same. If I place the Icidu in between (for WIFI) i get 90 down and 12 up.


With Geo-filter i stay close range on servers etc. So the real lag is gone by finding enemys close. But that doesn't say I have the good settings.


In my opinion it is strange that I have to play with the Congestion Control to find good settings. I cannot measure or see it by doing speedtest/pingtest/dslreports speedtest. I simply can not say that the settings I use are on the spot. Before Netduma I didn't measure anything, it was always good. But nowadays I have to trust on my own feeling that the game feels oke......


So, I simply can not find the good sweet spot. That's impossible for me. Maybe it's 40-25, but maybe 25-40 or 70-70 on CC..... Ther are many numbers between CC 100-100....


I follow Sims set-up video's and the forum and Youtube and Internet but how to do it still is guessing for me.


Maybe it's like an old saying: never change a winning team.

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I have try the hole week all , and iTS more and more bad for me , i have just try settings that i have just 100 kilobyte on the server from bo3 , peopl Saïd that this good Works for plating come , less hitmarkers , but for me this stay the same , 5 hitmarkers and me 1 off 2 bullet and i am dead , today i have changed back my setting near my good games from before , i play back only hardcore want come is not playeble for me , i hope u gonna Find ur best settings , but we must be happy whit how we play becoz we play very good , but i know , we want be better and better :-)

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That's also a thing, i use no different devices. I only use Netduma and Playstation and PC. Everything by wire. There simply isn't anything that can mess things up because I want Optimal settings.

Maybe the Cisco modem isn't class a, possible...it's provided by my internet provider. But it gives me the speed that they say. I pay for 120 down/ 12 up and that's what I get. Directly from the modem to laptop. Or from modem to Netduma it's the same. If I place the Icidu in between (for WIFI) i get 90 down and 12 up.


With Geo-filter i stay close range on servers etc. So the real lag is gone by finding enemys close. But that doesn't say I have the good settings.


In my opinion it is strange that I have to play with the Congestion Control to find good settings. I cannot measure or see it by doing speedtest/pingtest/dslreports speedtest. I simply can not say that the settings I use are on the spot. Before Netduma I didn't measure anything, it was always good. But nowadays I have to trust on my own feeling that the game feels oke......


So, I simply can not find the good sweet spot. That's impossible for me. Maybe it's 40-25, but maybe 25-40 or 70-70 on CC..... 


Maybe it's like an old saying: never change a winning team.

That sucks bro sorry you're dealing with that.  Just so you know...I need to keep my CC sliders  somewhere around 45% DL and 65% UL to get the best scores on DSL reports speedtest.  My ISP speeds are 50/50, so by the time I get good scores, my total bandwidth is reduced by over half.  Even with A+ A+ D on speed test I still can latch on to a server that has a bunch of 1-2 bar players.  Can't control that with our R1's so we just have to grit our teeth and keep shooting.  Then we hope we are going up against a player with good ping so the lag comp doesn't kick in and help the 1 bar out.   I did see that some of the R1 Canaries were getting better results when they linked up to a server with a 60ms ping as opposed to one with a 20ms ping.  Just food for thought.  Good luck

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Testing for 4 hours on CC settings and DSL speedreport, it looks like the best result I got was A-A+-C that was on 90-10. The most tests sliders between 70-100 Down and 40-100 Up resulted in A-A-C.


Now I need to know what of those 34 outcomes on A-A-C is the best... Starting with the best result:90-10.


So I have something to do to find the sweetspot because an A-A-A for me isn't possible. Is it my cable? Is it my modem, is it the Netduma? Everything is new.......

Mmmmmm, i go and try to shoot someone....  :huh:

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Is it that I have good internet connection, standard, and that I use no other devices except PC and Ps4. And that I am located in the middle of 3( or more) dedicated servers? Now I still am directly to my modem: Cisco EPC3935, my ping is worse then before with the ICIDU 300N in between. My speeds are better. But in no statistic thing I can see what my sweet spot is. Ive been testing for so many days and hours. Insane. :(


First of all: What do I need to change to get good test results? Other modem? Other internet? Other cables? And will it make a difference?

Second: Is it that if you don't have many devices connected and good internet your sweet spot is so large it is untraceble? That is strange i.m.o.

Third: Can it be my settings? Because i get tired searching for a sweet spot. :blink: I better search it with my girlfriend, takes me less time and headaches and a happy girlfriend and me.... :wub:


I simply don't know what I miss, maybe for me the only good thing is the Geo-filter. I find that strange too. Like I am almost the only one with great internet connection on Call of Duty? No way......

Maybe I adapt to easy to the game.......... Strange too :(


What to do guys... what path do i follow?

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Maybe your over thinking it,put your sliders on 70/70 reactive and go jump i some games and see how you come out.


And about speeds,I just got a dedicated gaming line only PS4 and laptop for duma on it and my speeds are 13.5 DL / 1.31.5 UL but my connection is stable as hell.I run at 90 on sliders so in game I'm about 10.5 ishDL /850 kbps UL

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Everyone will have different settings that work for them, there are many reasons for this - ISP, location, line quality, base ping, etc.


Spending so much time analysing the numbers and tweaking settings every few minutes you may find a great buffer bloat grade, you may not - this will not necessarily translate to great gameplay. One thing is certain, you will drive yourself crazy finding the "perfect" buffer bloat settings. Changing them so frequently and playing games, you're never going to have a consistent experience i.e. the dedicated server you're connecting to at that time could have high processing delay, packet loss etc. Next game it might not.  


For a fact what I can tell you:

  • Leave CC on 70/70, this WILL eliminate any local lag in your home. You can experiment with other numbers but this is what we recommend.
  • Using the Geo-filter to secure closer servers WILL result in a lower ping to the game (unless you connect to a bad server)

Hope that doesn't come across as rude, my point is by spending so much time tweaking for that perfect BB grade may be unnecessary. Use the above settings and just play the game, I'm certain you will find lot's more fun games than usual.

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This is what i have do , i have stop whit changed my settings becoz the settings on this moment i have mostely perfect games , sometimes i have bad games but this is becoz the connex and the bad server , last days i changed Nothing more and i play very Well , my kd have go up from 1.96 near 2,o today , just playing core is bad for me , to much hitmarkers , i have try all for core , but Nothing work , i hope in the future that i Find for core nice settings ,

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