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Party and Game Chat nattype issue

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i had this issue and it confused me like crazy, but it turned out that a bunch of my friends happened to be the yellow triangle outside of my zone - i had to click on them and increase their %.  i also had a friend who's in north carolina show up right by africa, so had to allow them as well.  i had temp banned or something to them.

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Sometimes even if they are on your white allow list the ip address can change if it is dynamic so they may need adding again and wait 2 minutes.

This is also an issue that quite a few people have suffered. Usually it is when nat types are different and most of the time shutting down console and rebooting will sort the issue however not all the time, Just ask LTR7. lol.

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If you're not seeing anything as being blocked not sure why there is an issue there.


What is your NAT type and friends NAT type as I didn't ask before.


Can you make sure everything is definitely visible on the map by following this guide http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_can_t_i_see_anything_on_the_geofilter

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As you can see above my friend shows his location in UK while he is in Saudi Arabia I whitllist him and still have nattype in the game chat & psn party.


Sorry for the late reply. 


In the pictures provided that is a dedicated server - you can tell because there is no update button and it has a temporary ban button.


So that isn't your friend, which makes sense why he is still being blocked.


Follow this and you should be good to go http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=adding_friends_to_your_allow_list&s[]=allow&s[]=friends

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