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Only way to get open NAT on COD is to reboot R1 everyday before play

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Well, the Type 2 is fine via PS4.


I remember this happening to me initially when I forgot to turn off the geo-filter.  Quick Remedy that works for me:


Make sure geo-filter is off first.


"Close Application/BO3" via mainscreen.


Open browser and turn off UPNP "apply"  

Turn on UPNP "appyly"


Start game.  Always worked for me.  Credit to the Duma army for this tip.

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The only way to get open NAT on COD is to reboot R1 everyday before play


Does anyone else get this? Not the end of the world (a first world problem) but if I don't do this I get moderate NAT every time in Black Ops III.


I play on PS4. Console NAT type is always Type 2. 


I was getting strict nat on blops on ps4 all the time, then using wire shark one day... I noticed something was using those port all the time. Restarting duma did the job because the ports were released. After unplugging every device in the house my xbox one was the culprit, my xbox was set up to go in to the mode where is always checking for updates. So it was never really off…and always connected to xbox live. Not sure if it applies to your situation but just wanted to share…

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Yeah there are a couple ways to go about getting an open NAT and they were both mentioned above.Sometime's a reset from misc will actually get it to stick if you unplug your modem,router etc if not use one of the shortcuts.

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