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Extra Lag on Black OPs 3 lately?


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Has anyone noticed an increased amount of lag lately on Black Ops. Usually with my Netduma my games are smooth as silk. But lately I am shooting guys with no hit markers, not seeing the enemy, or a second behind. Which was my experience before I purchased the Netduma. 


I now have a BenQ Monitor with a 1ms response time, and I upgraded my internet to fiber to the home last Friday with my speedtest posted in my signature. I am just wondering if this is a server thing or if I am getting Lag Comp to death with my new ISP.. Its not every game, but led to a frustrating evening last night. Seems like every game was one of those sweaty games and I had to play near perfect because the delay or latency. If I have a stellar ping you would think the issues would be on the opposing players side, but I think the servers are having issues or I am getting severely crippled by lag compensation. 


Please let me know

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It's not u or router.. Game is getting shittier by the minute. Netduma can even save this game. I hoped back bf4 & WOW.. U see full potential of router. Your best bet ... Is to play another game &trade it in!

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  On 2/17/2016 at 5:13 PM, bcoe30 said:

It's not u or router.. Game is getting shittier by the minute. Netduma can even save this game. I hoped back bf4 & WOW.. U see full potential of router. Your best bet ... Is to play another game &trade it in! don't need the stress


I actually played Battlefront last evening and turned Black Ops 3 off. Battlefront I had 0 issue with. I was playing on a West Coast server and I live in Ohio, and had a 21ms ping with zero lag to their servers. If this is how Activision rolls, penalizing someone with stellar connection then I am done with the Call of Duty franchise. 


I personally cannot wait for Battlefield 5 to drop this year, and Titanfall 2. Infinity Ward is dead to me after Ghosts. 

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  On 2/17/2016 at 5:37 PM, bcoe30 said:

Battalion 1944 looks really good. Could be a cod killer, but then cod killed it self!


Some of the new supply weapons are so OP.. And you need to buy $250-$300 worth of COD points to get them, or just be insanely lucky. I have seen you tubers drop $200-$300 for COD points to get them.. So we are now paying the price of our console to play COD?.. Activision's relationship with gamers has turned abusive. 

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I too have been having problems with black ops 3.  I live in Calif. and I noted that my ping was less than 28ms to a less than 25 mi. server but when I ran the trace it went to Texas, London, then Seattle then back to me.  I seem to have the lowest ping of all players, but I am moving the slowest and not getting hit registrations.  Is there a way to force Netduma settings to connect more directly to a local server.  Tried setting my home base to various locations, doesn't seem to matter.

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  On 2/17/2016 at 5:44 PM, corrosiveguy said:

Some of the new supply weapons are so OP.. And you need to buy $250-$300 worth of COD points to get them, or just be insanely lucky. I have seen you tubers drop $200-$300 for COD points to get them.. So we are now paying the price of our console to play COD?.. Activision's relationship with gamers has turned abusive. 

Are you only able to get the weapons via "paid" crypto keys?


I ask because I've been hoarding mine and have almost 2000 lol

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My avg ping is less than 30ms...but the other players range up to 200ms and are all faster than me.   Does that make any sense?  I've tried the various preset profiles released in the latest update, including the specific cod ones.  Don't see that it makes any difference.   Is there a way to prevent the server trace path going so far away, such as London... can I keep the players and the server contained in a smaller radius.   I do use strict setting as well.  I have the fastest computer money can buy $15K, and I have internet 355/20 with time warner.  I was hoping to get a fairer match making.


the crypto keys are just a lottery chance to get something...

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  On 2/18/2016 at 5:23 PM, ziocomposite said:

Are you only able to get the weapons via "paid" crypto keys?


I ask because I've been hoarding mine and have almost 2000 lol

I read on the Reddit forums that the new OP weapons are available only using the paid Crypto keys. You cannot get any of the new weapons using earned Crypto keys.

They also increased the points you need to earn to get a Crypto key. Just Activisions way of applying more pressure to get people to buy COD Points.

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  On 2/18/2016 at 4:52 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

What is your average ping to the game?

Mine is 11ms


I made some additional changes to my netduma last night. I was using turbo and super turbo since I have the speeds show below.. I unticked super turbo and set my sliders at 90/90, and put the PS4 in Hyperlane. I was able to get an A+ on Bufferbloat last evening. But have not tried playing Black Ops since I made the changes.

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I'm not sure that is correct, I managed to get access to every weapon just by leveling up.  I also purchased some paid crypto keys, but I wish I had not wasted the money.  Perhaps, there is one special weapon Activision is using to tease but I am not aware of it.  My best weapon is the pistols with dual attachments.

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  On 2/18/2016 at 5:49 PM, Limagreen said:

I read on the Reddit forums that the new OP weapons are available only using the paid Crypto keys. You cannot get any of the new weapons using earned Crypto keys.

They also increased the points you need to earn to get a Crypto key. Just Activisions way of applying more pressure to get people to buy COD Points.


Pay to win times 10... Seen some people drop $200 on COD points and still not get the weapons.. What a screw job

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  On 2/18/2016 at 5:49 PM, Limagreen said:

I read on the Reddit forums that the new OP weapons are available only using the paid Crypto keys. You cannot get any of the new weapons using earned Crypto keys.

They also increased the points you need to earn to get a Crypto key. Just Activisions way of applying more pressure to get people to buy COD Points.


I have several friends that have stored up tons of earned crypto keys and refuse to purchase them.  They were able to set the crossbow, MX Garande, iron jim, and Marshal 16.  From the 1000+ of rare supply drops opened recently between all my friends, I calculate the odds of getting a weapon at less than 0.1%.

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  On 2/18/2016 at 6:09 PM, Sylifis said:

Corrosive guy, do you use the preset profiles for COD, if so, is one working better than the other, or do you customize all your settings?


I have not used the custom profiles. I usually set my Geo filter to 550-600km, and ping assist to 15ms.. I have fiber straight into my home and when I hit Chicago Dedis I get a 11ms-13ms ping according to Duma, and in game ping says 17ms-33ms. It fluctuates. I would think that I still wouldnt lag with that connection, but I was wrong.. I hope I am not getting lag comp to death. I need to try everything tonight with the new settings I did with my congestion control and hyperlane.

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Hmmm, well I just tried setting my home psn to Dallas, I'm in Calif. and then I played BO3.  My ping was 57, not my normal 8 to 30 or so.  I played so much better and the guys who had over 200 ping did even better than me.  I hope this is not, as you say, lag compensation....It kinda drives you crazy when you see the replay and it looks like you were not paying attention, and then the other guy says whats wrong with you slowpoke.   I'm going to try setting my home to London, and see how that goes.

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  On 2/18/2016 at 8:21 PM, secretface said:

hey bud I have been camping the texas server which is like a 60 ms ping and seems to play well. Servers close to me with lower pings play like el crapola. Im on xbone.

which server do you usually connect to w/o this intervention?  And ping as well.


Good info for those who may want to try it! :) 

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  On 2/18/2016 at 9:22 PM, ziocomposite said:

which server do you usually connect to w/o this intervention?  And ping as well.


Good info for those who may want to try it! :)

I live in NJ so I would be closest to the server I think is in NJ which is like 9ms and then the Virginaish one is 18ms. The two of them are a crapshoot. But the texas one at 60 seems to play the best. Side note that texas server is a flatline on the duma ping where as the othe servers I have hit are sqwiggly lines. So the ms might have nothing to do with it. It may just be what they go through to get to the server. I don't know but worth a try for those who have problems.

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Three major things are effecting BO3 netcode in negative ways:


1) Constant flow of data that tracks our stats for our CoD profile. It may not be more than a few kbs, but when you factor in buffer bloat and other factors, those kbs add up because it's a constant flow... Even when idle in the lobbies... And never stops until you log off.


2) PSN and XB1 voice chat also travels on the same line on a different port. Again, it may only be a few kbs, but like the statistics data, it adds up (on top of the statistics data) because it's a constant stream of data that never stops. Many players believe this is what the in-game ping meter is reading and why it is so off from the Netduma AND why there are lag spikes even when you have fast internet, minimal buffer bloat and a low ping.


3) The netcode itself favors players with high pings / bad connections.


BattleNonesense did a scientific analysis and has video proof the lag comp favors players with higher pings... Up to and beyond 200ms... And penalizes those with lower pings. This is has been verified and documented and takes the competitive aspect out of the game in favor of making the game playable for those who should not be playing online games at all.

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  On 2/19/2016 at 7:18 AM, JConnor said:

Three major things are effecting BO3 netcode in negative ways:


1) Constant flow of data that tracks our stats for our CoD profile. It may not be more than a few kbs, but when you factor in buffer bloat and other factors, those kbs add up because it's a constant flow... Even when idle in the lobbies... And never stops until you log off.


2) PSN and XB1 voice chat also travels on the same line on a different port. Again, it may only be a few kbs, but like the statistics data, it adds up (on top of the statistics data) because it's a constant stream of data that never stops. Many players believe this is what the in-game ping meter is reading and why it is so off from the Netduma AND why there are lag spikes even when you have fast internet, minimal buffer bloat and a low ping.


3) The netcode itself favors players with high pings / bad connections.


BattleNonesense did a scientific analysis and has video proof the lag comp favors players with higher pings... Up to and beyond 200ms... And penalizes those with lower pings. This is has been verified and documented and takes the competitive aspect out of the game in favor of making the game playable for those who should not be playing online games at all.



Yeah, I have an A+ bufferbloat.. And a 10-12ms ping to dedis in Chicao and NJ.. I am thinking about changing me Geo to the west coast.. The game played better for me when I had 25-30ms to the dedis. I just upgraded my internet from Time Warner Cable, to fiber optic 1gbps.. And Black Ops 3 has castrated me in the game penalizing me for having good optimal internet.. It pisses me off quite frankly, and will never buy another COD game. I shoot people first and die with a 10ms ping, Shoot peope with no hit markers, or deposit a clip into them. Or just flat out dont see them, and then I drop like a ton of bricks.. I go on Battlefield 4, and its spot on.. Gayarch has to be the worst game developer. Why not take the code you had in Black OPs in apply that to later generations. It was near perfect back in those days with Black OPs and MW2.. Oh Yeah, I know, kiddies and the gay freaking you tubers complained about host advantage.. I will take a host advantage any day of the week over this dumb crap.. I am so pissed lately since I upgraded my line on Friday. I am about ready to rip it out and go back to cable.

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