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Division Beta key


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It's very good but if you're thinking of entering the dark zone alone then believe me it's very very hard work,team based game all the way,things may change on release I'm hoping,at one point thursday night me and my 3 mates were man hunted for around 15 minutes we just couldn't shake the timer but eventually got on a roof and I think people got fed up of trying to kill us and gave up,it was very intense and great fun too,I like how when you are being manhunted or when you are rogue you're character runs that bit faster,like that shit scared sprint haha

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I'm thinking this game is not going to be fun if you don't have mates you play with. Not saying the game is bad. I'm just saying if is geared toward parties. Just my opinion.

Well that's me "fooked" as I don't have any friends that have a console :)

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