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I try running bb test get it to a+ next time I run it it changes

Always run any speedtest or diagnostics with sliders at 100 %.Don't run the BB test and then run speedtest or diagnostics.


And Crossy wanted you to post the results of your diagnostic's so we could see all the hops and your minimum,average and maximum speed's.


If your minimum is 30 you won't get in anything lower than that.I'm not saying your's is 30 it's just an example.

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Weinzy - Has anyone explained the difference in the server locations yet?  Ping is a round trip total from you, the server, and back.  If this distance changes, because the location of the box has changed, you will see this number change.  Also buffer bloat will change multiple times per day based on several factors including traffic on your home line.


If the ISP server is pinging 'x' and you have an in game server that is pinging "x+", there are several factors that carry over into that different server location, not the least of which are distance and quality of the feed getting there and back.


Just because you have a base ping locally that is low, doesn't mean that same low ping is going to follow you from game to game.  That is your base ping to a close by test location.  Nothing more.

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Great connection, wish we had that here.


So your base ping is 20ms.  Unless you connect to something closer, or on a network that is "faster" like a fiber to the home application, you probably will always find everything else is going to be slightly higher than that base of 20ms.

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ok was just wondering if i could get any better, getting an average of about 37 to 40 but my ping is 20 just wanted to see if i could get closer to that number. just got the router and experimenting with no alot of knowledge

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ok was just wondering if i could get any better, getting an average of about 37 to 40 but my ping is 20 just wanted to see if i could get closer to that number. just got the router and experimenting with no alot of knowledge


No worries, we talk about this stuff a lot, but if you haven't been reading the forum, it's new information to you. :)


You base ping is just that, it's your base.  It can get SLIGHTLY better for you, like when the hyper lane becomes available for gaming traffic, but that is almost always going to be your starting off point.  20ms PLUS any variables for what you are doing with the internet traffic.  

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Should I set the ping lower then 50 on the geo filter?or just leave it and what about buffer bloat




Do you mean on the ping assist?  I always run Ping Assist at zero, as I don't want to connect to any servers outside of where I place my Geo Filter.  


Bufferbloat is a term that essentially means your local, in your house, congestion that can affect your gaming.  Have you done any BB testing and setting prior to this question?  

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The pings you're getting aren't too bad and as explained above pinging to a speed test server compared to a game host is much different - we'll actually be doing a video on this soon. 


If you want to see if you can get lower pings you can post the screenshots asked for here and we can take a look :)

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