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What is your Ping Assist set to


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After realizing the power of Ping Assist I place my home location in the ocean and only rely on Ping Assist to find me a lobby. The first week I tried this with PA set to 30ms - 40ms i would get amazing lobbies very quickly.


Well lately I cant get a game at that setting so I have to keep raising it until I find one. I'm having to raise it from 70ms - 80ms sometimes and then I notice the lag. I go back and forth between having strict mode on and off until I get a lobby also.


What does everyone else have their PA set to and when do u start seeing the lag. Also do u run strict mode on or off and does either one seem to get u more lag?

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Just saw this thread, thought I'd just jump in. 5-10ms jitter is not bad at all, remember how small these numbers are :)


I know what you'll say next, other servers are smoother. Just letting you know 5-10 is good to negligible! 



Looks like thats the French dedi you've connected to :) What is your jitter like underneath internet diagnostics when you run the tests?

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I'm not in the ocean. I have mine set to 40ms. I connect fairly fast when using ping assist. no matter where in the states I place my location I seem to always get the server in Washington state that says I'm pinging at 10ms but the lobby is always trash. 

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My PA is set to 25. Strict Mode is off. I play TDM 90% of the time and with those settings it usually finds me a game pretty quickly. If it takes a little longer I usually back out and try again or raise the PA to 30..either of those usually ends up finding me a game rather fast.


I noticed when searching for other game types, even semi-popular ones like Domination it has a much harder time finding games. It seems to me like the Ping Assist only method is only suitable for TDM and perhaps FFA as well.

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For me it all depends. I'll start off on 35ms and usually I don't have much trouble, but other times I need to up it to 45ms.


This weekend being 2xp it seems all available games for me are on their Seattle server for some reason (I'm in NC 3700km away from that server). Normally that server gets me a 40-45ms ping, but this weekend it is way overloaded and I'm getting over 100ms. I set it to 50ms and and got on the NY area server and somewhere around Chicago.


When I was on the NY area one it was actually great. I had 3 awesome games and then the lobby migrated. So far I haven't had games that good again and it's been 2 hours. Such is 2xp weekend. Getting good games all weekend long during 2xp is a unicorn. I've had exactly one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mine is always set between about 32-38ms, depending on the night.  I live near Seattle. For Blops 2, which is what I play most, there are dedi's down near San Diego that I want to be able to hit.  Why the local Seattle servers are only seemingly pointed at AW, I have no idea.  But I rarely get a PNW host that isn't me, or this REALLY good kid with smooth interwebz somewhere near Olympia.   :huh: I hate that kid.....  :angry:


I put my "home" down in Northern Cali, and extend my radius to include Washington State to the border and SoCal, which gives me part of the Pacific and into Idaho, Nevada, Utah.  I rarely have to wait more than 5-8 seconds for a lobby.

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