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Please respond IF you have 2+ consoles...

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This is more of a general inquiry but as a fellow Duma user please consider responding here and @admins keeping this up here :D


Thanks! So...


Question: I've spent much too much time seeking a 'how did they do it' but to no avail...


For those who have more than one console (I'm dealing with PS4s) connected to a single internet account AND have successfully achieved 'open NAT' on both... HOW did you do so?


There's tons of posts in various forums stating things like 'duh I totally have 20 thousand consoles connected and they're all open NAT' yet none of them actually describe how they accomplished this.


Anyone who is willing to chime in here as to how they were able to do so, I'd be very appreciative. Even if it's a case by case thing that may not work for everyone, I'd be interested in hearing about what you did to get open NAT on all of your consoles.





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Conceptually if more than one console is on the same Internet account and, say, playing the same game (i.e., requiring use of same ports etc.) then it should be impossible to achieve open NAT on both simultaneously.


Yet, plenty of people out there swear they've accomplished this.


So... how? lol. aka teach me!



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As you stated…the issue is that the 2 consoles will be receiving and sending data on same ports thru a single public IP When the data returns many residential routers will have no idea which console originated the traffic and  which it should send the response data to. In a “perfect network scenario”, outgoing traffic will be in separate public IP addresses and this will make sure it arrives to the correct console.


Here is where the “theory” comes in place… Routers keep track of data streams (who asked for what) which is UPnP. Unfortunately not all routers were made equal and UPnP implementation is “average”. I know before netduma I used a dlink extreme router (over 6 years old) and it was able to handle 2 consoles at the same time at all time.


My solution was somewhat extreme, but with broadband prices so low…I Actually have 2 lines coming in to my house. Uverse and WOW Cable…Wow cable is just internet for my consoles / PC / Projects. Uverse is for my kids consoles and everyone else in the house J

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I would ensure R1 is in DMZ on ISP hub. Apply a static IP to each console and allow UPnP to open the ports automatically. You will definitely achieve an open NAT on the consoles network settings. BO3 seems to either do something different when they detect NAT or expect something else, likely a different port to be opened. 

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Thanks for responding.


To clarify, both consoles are static IP (will re-confirm this when I get home in a cpl hours) and the Duma is in DMZ as suggested above. Both consoles are read by PSN as 'open' NAT type 2 (as you'd expect), however the in-game reading is always 'open' for one and 'moderate' for one, and i always have issues when hosting game parties, i.e. noticeable lobby-finding stalls, crashes, etc more so with whichever one is the 'moderate' one.

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Thanks for responding.


To clarify, both consoles are static IP (will re-confirm this when I get home in a cpl hours) and the Duma is in DMZ as suggested above. Both consoles are read by PSN as 'open' NAT type 2 (as you'd expect), however the in-game reading is always 'open' for one and 'moderate' for one, and i always have issues when hosting game parties, i.e. noticeable lobby-finding stalls, crashes, etc more so with whichever one is the 'moderate' one.

yea ive ran into this issue too with the netduma i can no longer get 2 or 3 open nats on the 3 ps4 in the house hold. it was possible with the asus router i had but not nomore even though when u go to upnp on the netduma it says it has foward the ports to all consoles but like u said ingame it doesnt say so

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I have a PS3 and PS4 both connected to Netduma via ethernet cable.  While trying to play older CODs (BO1, BO2, MW3) on PS3 and AW and BO3 on PS4, I noticed the occasional moderate NAT type on AW/BO3.   Sometimes I could close the AW/BO3 app and re-open it to get an open NAT type again.  Other times it did not make a difference.  When doing the playstation test, it shows type 2 (open) even if moderate in the game.   I truly believe that conflicts between the COD games cause it.  


FYI - I am using automatic IP with UPNP.  


I am sorry that I don't have a solution.  I am just sharing that I encountered the same issues.

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Do you mean two of the same consoles? Like two PS4s?


I have Open NAT on both my Xbox1, Xbox360, PS4. 


Using Modem>Netduma>Consoles


UPnP ticked

No Static IPs


To get Open NAT you must restart all network devices and consoles after deleting Devices listed in Netduma and checking that there are

no ports being forwarded on the Netduma. 

Start one console at a time and set them up so they are getting an IP from the Netduma. 

Start the next console and set it up without turning off the previous console.


The Xbox1 requires you to run the Multiplayer Connection test then hold both triggers and bumpers after the test to have 

the Xbox run another test and make it try different ports to open. 



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Do you mean two of the same consoles? Like two PS4s?


I have Open NAT on both my Xbox1, Xbox360, PS4. 


Using Modem>Netduma>Consoles


UPnP ticked

No Static IPs


To get Open NAT you must restart all network devices and consoles after deleting Devices listed in Netduma and checking that there are

no ports being forwarded on the Netduma. 

Start one console at a time and set them up so they are getting an IP from the Netduma. 

Start the next console and set it up without turning off the previous console.


The Xbox1 requires you to run the Multiplayer Connection test then hold both triggers and bumpers after the test to have 

the Xbox run another test and make it try different ports to open. 



This wont fix what we are trying to explain. AND why you have so much packet loss wow. might be ur mtu settings

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BO3 requires ports 80, 443, 1935, and 3478-3480 on PS4. 


One of your PS4s should be using ports 1935 and 3478.

The second PS4 should ask to use ports 1936 and 3479, since it sees that 1935 and 3478 are already being used. 


If this is the case, set the second PS4 to a static IP and forward 1936 and 3479 to it. 


Restart router and consoles, then run connection test again before starting the game. 


Also, I saw on reddit that BO3 will tell you what port it tried to use. I'm not home to verify this though.

Check and see if it does say what port it is trying to use then forward that port. 


Comment from Reddit:

"When you are in multiplayer press start to get to the menu. Now go to the options tab and go to network. If your nat type is strict or moderate where it says "nat type" to the right it will tell you what port the game tried to go through."

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BO3 requires ports 80, 443, 1935, and 3478-3480 on PS4. 


One of your PS4s should be using ports 1935 and 3478.

The second PS4 should ask to use ports 1936 and 3479, since it sees that 1935 and 3478 are already being used. 


If this is the case, set the second PS4 to a static IP and forward 1936 and 3479 to it. 


Restart router and consoles, then run connection test again before starting the game. 


Also, I saw on reddit that BO3 will tell you what port it tried to use. I'm not home to verify this though.

Check and see if it does say what port it is trying to use then forward that port. 


Comment from Reddit:

"When you are in multiplayer press start to get to the menu. Now go to the options tab and go to network. If your nat type is strict or moderate where it says "nat type" to the right it will tell you what port the game tried to go through."

Ive got 3 PS4 on my network and experiencing this also. Like i previously said you dont even have to manually foward the ports, because the upnp feature on the duma shows all the ports and they are correctly automatically fowarded but for some reason is not opening on the games. idk if its a game issue or duma software glitch. but it seems like the duma is doing everything correctly on its own.

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I've achieved an open NAT type in BO3 on 2 Xbox One consoles in the past but it was with a Netgear Nighthawk r7500v2. I'm assuming the UPnP used in that specific router is opening a port that my R1 isn't. Again, just an assumption. Wonder if there is a way to contact Netgear tech support and find out?

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I've achieved an open NAT type in BO3 on 2 Xbox One consoles in the past but it was with a Netgear Nighthawk r7500v2. I'm assuming the UPnP used in that specific router is opening a port that my R1 isn't. Again, just an assumption. Wonder if there is a way to contact Netgear tech support and find out?

exactly my Asus AC router use to do the same

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Have 2 PS4s on my network and whichever is turned on 2nd will get the moderate NAT.  Both show a NAT type 2 and really has no effect on gameplay or communication whatsoever.

well in my case i do have problems im not able to connect to certain friends no longer or even hear them in party chat. it instantly says nat type issues. or i could be heaering them and out of no where nat type issues occured

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Have a friend who experience this with his isp hub also ( superhub 2 ). He eventually port forwarded one console and left the other in dmz this only happened with blops 3. one thing i could say is always speed test your ps4 on boot so it triggers the upnp as in previous firmwares of the ps4 upnp was bugged and wouldn't enable unless you did, sony should just bring back the upnp option from the ps3 lol

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My PS4 requires ports 3074UDP and 9308UDP.


If your first PS4 is using those ports then forward 3075UDP and 9309UDP to the second PS4 using a static IP. 


Leave the first PS4 under DHCP and UPnP control. 

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I've confirmed the Reddit post that you can go to the in-game network settings and under NAT type, the game will disclose what port it was trying to open.


For me, the moderate NAT ps4 was 'trying to open port 3074'


* this of course was already in use by the open NAT ps4


On the Duma, settings --> UPnP, I was see the open NAT console has ports 3074 and 9307 (UDP for both)


So I go to settings --> port forwarding and assign the moderate NAT ps4 to ports 3075 and 9308 (UDP)


Click Apply.


Reboot everything.


Then when the open NAT ps4 loads back in, I go look at the Duma in settings --> UPnP and am totally confused lol, for it entered the game as open NAT but the moderate NAT ps4 doesn't seem to recognize the PF rules I just made for it. I'll reboot it again, maybe it takes a minute or something... else I'm not setting the rules properly in the Duma

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I've confirmed the Reddit post that you can go to the in-game network settings and under NAT type, the game will disclose what port it was trying to open.


For me, the moderate NAT ps4 was 'trying to open port 3074'


* this of course was already in use by the open NAT ps4


On the Duma, settings --> UPnP, I was see the open NAT console has ports 3074 and 9307 (UDP for both)


So I go to settings --> port forwarding and assign the moderate NAT ps4 to ports 3075 and 9308 (UDP)


Click Apply.


Reboot everything.


Then when the open NAT ps4 loads back in, I go look at the Duma in settings --> UPnP and am totally confused lol, for it entered the game as open NAT but the moderate NAT ps4 doesn't seem to recognize the PF rules I just made for it. I'll reboot it again, maybe it takes a minute or something... else I'm not setting the rules properly in the Duma

I would be more concerned with the in-game NAT. 

If BO3 is showing Open NAT and you can get into lobbies and hear chat, then you're good to go. 


I believe the PS4 is not showing open because it will only look at the DameonWare port 3074. 

So if that port is already taken then the next console will show Moderate NAT. Nothing to worry about if your game is showing 

Open NAT. 

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Indeed, rebooted the moderate NAT ps4 and holy gee willikers... I have TWO OPEN NAT PS4s.




I will gladly post what I did... in the next day or so, as I would like to wait and be sure I'm not victim to the 'it worked for a while, x hrs etc... and then stopped.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I will gladly do so. The problem now is that, well, I am so confused lol.


I rebooted everything and yes I can get two open nats (like, in-game both ps4's will say 'open NAT')




1) if either one of the ps4s shut off, say somebody take an hour break, and then comes back on, it goes to strict


2) even when both are open NAT type, the rules I set up don't correlate with what is listed as ports being used by the ps4s (??).


For example, 3074 and 9307 are the 'default' ports used based on what I've read here and elsewhere... so do get two open nats I simply set the second ps4 to open 3075 and 9308.


HOWEVER, even when they're both open NAT or not, the second ps4 will NOT have those ports opened lol, like right now I'm checking and it's got 3074 open (which is what the first ps4 is supposed to have) and then 9305 and 9306 open (?), and also 61339 (???).


Any thoughts would be awesome. Thx

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