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65 / 68 ms Ping

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Hi guys ,  only a question , my internet connection is adsl 20/1 with exceptional in every slot (internet diagnosis) ping to is 10 ms , why i find only lobbies to 65 ms?? strict on , pa 0 , 2000 km range..

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It could be many things. Your location, time of day, player count and closest server to you.

Do you have bleeding edge cloud and enable auto cloud selected? If not enable both of them. These will get you the most up to date servers.

What is your average ping from the internet diagnosis test? It should be the ping value in the middle on the Internet diagnosis test.

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Apart from the cloud update I'll do which should help. If you lower your range to around 1000km are you still able to get games? 


Also ensure you have anti-flood sliders set to 70/70 to eliminate any local congestion

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One thing that may also be relevant is even here in the states where there are tons of CoD servers and hosts... I have noticed that after the last update, servers that used to ping 30ms and below now ping 50-60ms all the time. 


I think Treyarch did something in the last update to cause this because while there are fewer players on XB1 than PS4, that shouldn't effect ping to a dedicated server, right?

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The slide Is set to 100 becouse there si only xbox connected.. And my lap top


Even your laptop can cause small spikes just by web browsing or background updates etc. You don't need much bandwidth for gaming so I'd suggest 70/70. 


Try 1500km, strict off and PA at 30ms. 


Could also try location in ocean, PA at 30ms, strict on


When is the cloud update? Nothing has changed for me!!!!!


I haven't done it yet but will try to do it today so have auto&bleeding edge ticked and applied. What are your pings to the host?

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My ping is 68 to 84ms. Im from Slovenia and constantly connecting to Ireland server (2000km). No other servers for me in EU. If I exclude Ireland server from geofilter no games start even if I wait 5 min.

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