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AT&T U-Verse Issue?

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O.K. before I start, I want to make it clear that I'm a big fan of this router and this company. I love tinkering with this thing and I'm having the most fun playing online (COD Mostly) since I first heard about "lag-comp." 


Anyway, I'm still getting pretty inconsistent results as far as the actual gameplay is concerned. I think I've got my settings pretty dialed in and when I ping the hosts, things are stable, not showing much jitter and I'm getting great connections according to the Geo Filter page.  I can sit in the same lobby with the same players on the same server (I assume) and go all beast mode one game (beast mode for me is about a 3 K/D) and then go negative the next.  I'm not a great player and I don't expect this router to make me the best.  I just want to know that my results are, in fact, a testament to my skill whatever that may be.  If I'm actually a .80 KD player, I can improve.  If I'm actually a 3.0 KD player...well, you guys know how frustrating it is to have problems with hit detection, warping bullets, instant deaths, etc.


Having said that, I get a lot of good, smooth game plays; way more than I ever had before.  Shoot, I'll even have an entire session that is lag free.  But about every other time I get on, I start having issues. Ping good, host close, very little jitter but the game plays as crummy as it did before I bought the router.  So I back out, find a new lobby, rinse /repeat til I decide to try again tomorrow and start skimming the forums looking for someone with a similar issue.


I think I've gotten this thing pretty dialed in from reading through the forum as well as trial and error.  I've even made a couple of posts talking about what I've done.  I'm attaching screenshots but I'll type it out to save you time.  Congestion at 70%/70%.  Upload at 90. Download at 90.  I've got all devices equal with share excess checked.  I've attached my speed test as well.  (Yes, I'm pulling these speeds hardwired through the Duma and nobody else online. I did the speedtest with congestion at 100/100.)  I've got my Geo set to 600mi and my P/A to 40.  The XboxlivePA has TCP and UDP open.  I've got an open NAT on the XBox and when I'm in game. Auto Cloud is selected.  Every time I do an internet diagnotstics, I get all green and excellent...


Until a few minutes ago. I've got that posted as well. (I promise this is the first time I've ever seen anything other than excellent).


Which leads me to belive this is probably an issue with AT&T. I have the Uverse GigaPower as well as TV.  It's got a lot of bandwidth (and a lot of inconsistencies.) The TV's are running through the AT&T gateway Arris NVG589. I tried to switch the TVs over to the NetDuma as an experiment and couldn't get them to work. I could probably figure it out, but this gateway is miserable to work with so I kind of gave up on that.  Anyway, right now I've got everything else (the wireless devices, consoles and PC's) run through the NetDuma.  Also, I'm not an IT guy, but I work in Technology and I think I've got an above average knowledge of networks.


But I'm not sure what more I can do to fix the issue.  AT&T isn't tremendously helpful once you start getting into pretty specific trouble shooting. They didn't even know how to turn on the "DMZ." I literally showed the tech when he was here (before NetDuma.)  There is no bridge mode and it's clunky. And Slow. I've kind of suspected that it's been the internet service all along.


I don't think is this a NetDuma issue, but there's some smart people on these forums.  Maybe you've got some ideas. I've never seen such quick responses and excellent customer support for a product like this before. So I figured I'd send this out. 




Finally, I'm also not a big forum poster so I'm still figuring out the nuances.  If this needs to be moved, is inappropriate, or just too long; you won't offend me if you take it down.


Thanks Guys!






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Hi mate, it happens to me on AW also and it will happen to everyone else aswell 1 game good then 1 bad in same lobby/host it's pretty much 1 or 2 things, A dedicated server and your teammates ( I'm assuming you play objective based games like domination or Tdm ) being rubbish and the enemy gaining the upper hand with the connection even if your winning in games like Domination it gives the enemy the upper hand and you end up unable to kill, I just put it down to that as png is good and it's in th GF range so again it's down to cod servers playing funny business,

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Guest Netduma Fraser

Looking at the internet diagnostic, it seems its to do with your ISP, I would give them a ring to make sure everything is okay on your line and if not they can fix it. :)

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OK fellas, I'm about ready to give up. 


I've had AT&T out here twice.  They say it's all good.  They've replaced just about everything.  I can't come up with an issue on my end.  The only time I've gotten a negative diagnostic is the one I posted a couple of days ago. The attached is the diagnostic I ran just a few minutes ago. It's almost always reading excellent.


I had a couple of good experiences after I bought this thing; but now when I sit down to play...it feels the same as it ever was. 


I don't want to gripe.  But I think I've tried everything.  Now my NAT is moderate and I don't know how to fix that...


If you have any other suggestions, I'm all ears. I've tried just about every setting and combination possible. You're more than welcome to look into my settings.  Please help!

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Guest Netduma Fraser

OK fellas, I'm about ready to give up. 


I've had AT&T out here twice.  They say it's all good.  They've replaced just about everything.  I can't come up with an issue on my end.  The only time I've gotten a negative diagnostic is the one I posted a couple of days ago. The attached is the diagnostic I ran just a few minutes ago. It's almost always reading excellent.


I had a couple of good experiences after I bought this thing; but now when I sit down to play...it feels the same as it ever was. 


I don't want to gripe.  But I think I've tried everything.  Now my NAT is moderate and I don't know how to fix that...


If you have any other suggestions, I'm all ears. I've tried just about every setting and combination possible. You're more than welcome to look into my settings.  Please help!


Hey cowboy, a few things after having re read your thread. On congestion control, the reactive algorithm would likely work better for you due to the speed you have. When you said you would back out and find a new lobby, have you been waiting 2 minutes for all the symbols on the Geo-filter to disappear? If not you may be connecting to the same server all the time every time you re search. 


More information on our anti cheat (2 minute waiting) - http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=gf_anti_cheat


How to open your NAT http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=how_do_i_open_my_nat&s[]=natit could just be the Geo-filter making CoD give a false reading. 


I know youre not getting booted but these steps may help you avoid the hosts that are particularly bad - http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=why_am_i_getting_booted_from_the_lobby_game


Let me know how you get on :)

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I figured out the NAT issue.  When AT&T came out they upgraded my gateway and the settings work a little differently.  I've got all my NATs open again.  I'm using reactive as well. I've also noticed that I connect almost exclusively to dedis (because I can't block them). I think I've read everything in the wiki and have a pretty solid understanding of how to set up the NetDuma.  I also know I'm not dealing with input lag. (I play on a 2 ms refresh monitor and I'm hardwired into the router.)  I think I've ruled out problems on the line. I'm wondering if there is anything else I can do on my end.


I believe I have my settings pretty dialed in; I can get pings in the 20-40 ms range with jitter at or under 20ms.  (I have occasional outliers, but for the most part the Duma is doing it's job.) As far as the tools and diagnostics are concerned, I should be good to go.


Still, my game play is pretty inconsistent. I'll have poor hit detection and watch other players warp around the map and while I empty a clip without registering even a single hit.  I was reading in a different post that other player's connections can cause the wonky experience. Does this mean that while I'm doing everything I can to mitigate lag; there's still going to be a lot of problems?  (i.e. poor connection by other players and/or flaws in the game's code.)


Is it possible that I just have unrealistic expectations of what online gaming should be? I love the idea of pitting my skill against others to see who's better. I don't care if I win or lose as long as I know it's an "even" playing field.  I mean I care, but that leaves room to work on my game rather than my connection.  Honestly, it's no more fun to go 40 and 0 if I know that everything is happening a 1/2 second faster for me than everyone else than it is to go 0-40 when the opposite is true.  Does that make sense?


I've seen a lot of posts with people raving about their experience since they've installed the NetDuma.  And while I've had some great sessions, I've had just as many bad ones. If anyone has an idea I'm all ears.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

As you've read the wiki you probably already know that 20-40ms is very good for online gaming.


Two possible suggestions are:

1) try an older cod and see if it helps

2) try moving home to connect to different dedis



But personally I'm more than happy with anything below 40ms

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So I made a couple of changes last night based on what I read in another post.  I turned off all the IPV6 settings and did notice that it smoothed out some issues regarding speed/bandwidth.  I had AT&T out one more time and they upgraded my switch to a gigabit switch. I also changed out all of my ethernet cables. My pings and speeds are now all consistent across different times of day and different devices.  I set my speeds about 90% of what I was able to pull when connected to the Net Duma and then I set the congestion to reactive and 70%.  As I said everything consistent, even my speeds on the diagnosis from Xbox One.


I got online and started playing and it was awesome for about an hour.


Then everything got really laggy again. I ran the duma diagnostics, speed test, and ping test.  Everything exceptional.


I considered the anti cheat as I backed out of the lobby.  All of the circles cleared and I noticed only one (located in the Washington Area).  I assume this is an Xbox live server or perhaps a matchmaking server.  So I turned off the Xbox.  I also set my geo to 1 snap (from the minimum) and set ping assist to 0 and waited for everything to clear on the Geo page.  I turned on my Xbox and logged into AW and noticed that the host circle was within the filter and near my home location.  I then started looking for games and noticed that overall, things were running quite a bit smoother.


At this point, I'm pretty sure this conversation doesn't belong in installation.  But I'm just interested in learning more about how matchmaking works and how it interacts with my gear.  Should it make a difference which server you connect to when you first connect to Xbox live?  Also, I've stated this in the past, my ping to the Dedi or the player seems to have a minimal difference on the actual gameplay experience.  HOW I connect initially does seem to make a difference.  Now I realize that I've only got one night of testing so my sample size is limited. But does the server you initially connect to make a difference?  Or should it only be the game hosting server?


This is a fun conversation for me.  Anybody up for some theory?

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Hi Cowboy,


Glad you're connection itself is sorted. I assume you always connect to the same xbl server for your region. In fact I'll try run a cloud update for everyone next week that will sort any issues people are having. For now I suggest you either disable your geo-fitler or disable strict mode until you get to the multi-player menu. That will guarantee you're not blocking anything that is needed.


I think you've read what others have posted, but some people seem to prefer different dedis then others. We will have IDs and anti-jitter features coming soon hopefully within 2 weeks. If you want a discussion its probably best you start a new thread as I assume most people will ignore this thread based on its title :) 

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  • 6 months later...



I figured out the NAT issue.  When AT&T came out they upgraded my gateway and the settings work a little differently.  I've got all my NATs open again.  I'm using reactive as well. I've also noticed that I connect almost exclusively to dedis (because I can't block them). I think I've read everything in the wiki and have a pretty solid understanding of how to set up the NetDuma.  I also know I'm not dealing with input lag. (I play on a 2 ms refresh monitor and I'm hardwired into the router.)  I think I've ruled out problems on the line. I'm wondering if there is anything else I can do on my end.


I believe I have my settings pretty dialed in; I can get pings in the 20-40 ms range with jitter at or under 20ms.  (I have occasional outliers, but for the most part the Duma is doing it's job.) As far as the tools and diagnostics are concerned, I should be good to go.


Still, my game play is pretty inconsistent. I'll have poor hit detection and watch other players warp around the map and while I empty a clip without registering even a single hit.  I was reading in a different post that other player's connections can cause the wonky experience. Does this mean that while I'm doing everything I can to mitigate lag; there's still going to be a lot of problems?  (i.e. poor connection by other players and/or flaws in the game's code.)


Is it possible that I just have unrealistic expectations of what online gaming should be? I love the idea of pitting my skill against others to see who's better. I don't care if I win or lose as long as I know it's an "even" playing field.  I mean I care, but that leaves room to work on my game rather than my connection.  Honestly, it's no more fun to go 40 and 0 if I know that everything is happening a 1/2 second faster for me than everyone else than it is to go 0-40 when the opposite is true.  Does that make sense?


I've seen a lot of posts with people raving about their experience since they've installed the NetDuma.  And while I've had some great sessions, I've had just as many bad ones. If anyone has an idea I'm all ears.


Sorry to resurrect this old thread, but I just ordered my Netduma router and I also have AT&T Gigapower.  I have the NVG599 gateway, is that what they upgraded you to?  Any updates on how your gaming experience has been since your last post in the thread? 

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Yea, So I spent 2+hrs last night on the phone with At&t, but after the long struggle of troubleshooting we were able to fix the issue and My NetDuma is up and running! (Something with their presets on the at&t router/modem.) They had to do a full hard reset of some sort with their device to get the firewall to accept the R1. It was a giant pain at first but totally worth every minute. Now the fun can begin...

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