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BO3 Lag Xbox One Help

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I have tried throttling and not throttling, pre and reactive, deep packet on and off nothing seems to work anymore. I'm right back where I started I have a good game evry 20 or so games the rest I am one bullet behind with the shieva, one burst behind with any burst gun, etc etc. It aint no fun right now.

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This is weird you seem to be doing everything right what is your ping on speed test ? I am a PC gamer only so i don't know much about the Xbox servers maybe there just overloaded. One thing you could try and it worked for me on PC when playing CS-GO is set your ping assist to something like 20ms when i had my ping assist to 0 it made me find games in Asia not New Zealand or Australia. But this is weird    


- Tom 

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When you did the update on the R1 for 1.03.5 did you reset the Geo-filter page by pushing ctrl + f5 ?   

Yea it actually worked well for me for a while but the last few weeks nothing seems to help

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Why do you have your upload set to 5%? Mines at 99% atm and down 50% and snooping enabled I have my geo set to around 500km at night and shrink it to 150-200 at peak times. Reactive works for me because I have more than 100mb down. What does your dsl say for those settings and what up do you even get for 5%.

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my down is 180 and up is 12 something. putting at 5% gets me under 1000kbs on BO3 which worked well for a while I may try throttling more tonight cause something has got to give it cant be this bad all the time

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What results do you get for bufferbloat on dsl reports.


I just did a test at 70%/5%



It might seem like a good result but its not. When dsl is testing for latency on your buffer if the meter looking thing goes into the red at all that's potentially your lag comp. For upload at 5% the buffer peaked to 900ms (nearly 1sec) of latency or delay/lag comp. You want to find the cc settings that when dsl is testing for bufferbloat it is as smooth as possible. If your buffer peaks to less than 20ms your good. With the settings I use its not 100% free from differences in kill feeds there is always a chance of small delay.


Try the 50% 99% on cc



An interesting fact to know: It takes your brain about 80ms to react to light.

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Yea I understand reaction time but unless I suddenly had a stroke I'm thinking something has changed. Please don't take that in a bad way, I appreciate all the help I can get. I will try some more on the bufferbloat though I did alot of testing on that at one time to get the best results but maybe something has changed at good ol comcast so Ill try again. I had this working smooth at one time , yes I had bad games and laggy games but most were good now most are bad. I mean I use the sheiva alot and what was a 2 shot kill is now 3, what was 3 is now 4. I wish I could let someone play on my setup to see and feel what I'm talking about.

Thank You again

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well that varies all to the same "host area" Kansas some 6ms to 60ms. The 60ms always played the best for some reason. More than not its pinging at 20 something though. On the duma is what you meant right?

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When you get the best results you can get from dsl reports I would put your geo on the smallest setting and try find games with that setting. If your lucky enough to have a listen server for bo3 close to you 90% of your games should be connecting to that server. The duma won't block people from outside the geo connecting to the server mind you but what getting onto the server will guarantee is that your ping to the server will be faster than tommy who lives in Jamaica the poor bugger (unless he is signed up for digiweb 1GB up/down :blink:)

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Sometimes rarely the server closest to me will have ridicules lag. Whatever way it works. Had a game the other night started fine but suddenly was dropping to more than 200ms ping every 4 seconds. Its a lottery to find good games without the duma the duma just decreases the odds!

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