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Geofilter bug?

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I am having a weird problem with the geofilter lately that I haven't seen before.


I play Destiny with a solid core group, many who have bought Netdumas to be able to easily play our own custom games together. We share whitelists with each other so connections to each other are allowed, but then we put our geofilter center in the middle of the ocean and dial it down as small as it can go to effectively block the rest of the world. When we're done fooling around, we disable the filter and are able to play with the unwashed mashes again.


The problem I'm finding is sometimes when I try to disable the filter for my PS4, it won't disable. If I try to party chat with someone who isn't on my allow list, I get PSN party chat NAT issues and I can't connect with them. No matter how many times I Enable/Disable I can't get it to work without rebooting the Netduma.


Is there any way to force the geofilter off without restarting the Netduma? I'd like to avoid dropping connections for everybody else in the house and keep from having to restart my game or my console too.



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Are you giving the Netduma a couple of minutes to 'forget' that the Geo Filter was on?

I'm not sure this is actually necessary but it might be part of the anti-cheat system.


When we play in a group on Xbox, only one person (party lead) will have the Geo Filter turned on and the rest turn it off completely (before we party up usually).

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Hi :) Are you on the latest version 1.03.6? Do you see exclamation marks even when the GeoFilter is disabled?


Yes, I've been on 1.03.6g since the beta :-)


Yes, I see exclamation marks from other players being blocked when the filter is off

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  • Netduma Staff

Yes, I've been on 1.03.6g since the beta :-)


Yes, I see exclamation marks from other players being blocked when the filter is off


Ok. I remember having this problem in one of the early .6 betas but I thought maybe it had been fixed. Could you try waiting the 2 mins for anti-cheat (or untill there aren't any dormant hosts showing) like ColonicBoom suggested and see if that fixes it.

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