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Congestion Control

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Hey guys,


I recently bought a NETDUMA router, and while setting up I clicked on the congestion control link like it is telling me to do and nothing happens. Even after a while waiting it just shows a loading screen continuously. Is this a normal problem or something I can fix?


Thank you

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Try rebooting from the interface under settings>misc. If that don't work try unplugging for about 3-5min.



Also make sure you are using internet explorer as your browser :)


Thank you for the advice, I am using internet explorer and I tried both rebooting and unplugging for a couple minutes but neither worked. Other functions were working, like settings and wifi... the ones that did not work were the host filter feature, congestion control and the VPN option

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  • Netduma Staff

Thank you for the advice, I am using internet explorer and I tried both rebooting and unplugging for a couple minutes but neither worked. Other functions were working, like settings and wifi... the ones that did not work were the host filter feature, congestion control and the VPN option


Try Google Chrome :)

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  • Netduma Staff

Also just tried this. I took a screen shot.


It's allowing me to connect to the internet, just not use the features that I was so sold on haha


So even on Google Chrome you can't access the congestion control page? :)

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  • Netduma Staff

I tried that as well after you said it, no luck :(


I can connect to the Internet still I just cannot get those settings to work


If you come into chat I can take a look at your settings and see if I can see what is stopping them for working :)

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