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Problems Getting It Right

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When I first received my Netduma games played perfect but over the last few weeks everything has gone.


I am not sure if I have updated a setting and messed it up or there are genuine issues on BLOPS3.


The latest firmware is installed which is shown in the footer of the admin of the netduma. Question: If I factory reset does that remove the firmware?


I have followed the fine tuning guide without success, http://wiki.netduma.com/doku.php?id=fine_tune_netduma


Would it be possible to have a 1&1 to get me back up and running like it was when I received my Netduma?


Thanks in advance for reading!




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There are a lot of changes going on in Black Ops 3 right now with Activision/Treyarch adding new content and capabilities.  Hotfixes are going out to many aspects and matchmaking as well. If you haven't changed anything I would have to say this issue may be on their end.  Sometimes the games are hit or miss and it is very difficult trying to find the sweet spot with all these changes happening.  It will get better. 


If you were to factory reset it will maintain your current firmware.  


Someone will be along to let you know how to set up a one on one.  

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There are a lot of changes going on in Black Ops 3 right now with Activision/Treyarch adding new content and capabilities.  Hotfixes are going out to many aspects and matchmaking as well. If you haven't changed anything I would have to say this issue may be on their end.  Sometimes the games are hit or miss and it is very difficult trying to find the sweet spot with all these changes happening.  It will get better. 


If you were to factory reset it will maintain your current firmware.  


Someone will be along to let you know how to set up a one on one.  


Hi Buck,


Thank you for your response, i did mess with some settings but i cant find the correct set :(


I will look forward to a dev responding, thank you again :)



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As Buck stated lots of changes going on with the game at the moment,and with changes and variables come a new set of settings to find your "sweet spot" again.

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  • Netduma Staff

I was informed PPPoE may not work with PA, so i searched the Wiki to find a deal link:




Anyone have a link that works on how to connect my Netgear router to the netduma?




Can you show the page which links to that link :)


And to connect Modem >> Netgear >> Netduma just connect your Netgear to your modem, put it in bridge mode if possible (if not it does't matter) then connect the Netgear to the Netduma (using port 1 on then Duma). If bride mode isn't available on the Netgear, make sure you turn the Wiif off and have all devices connected to the Duma.

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  • Netduma Staff



Ok not done this before, could you see if that link could get fixed please?


Struggling to get my router sorted.




An article hasn't been written for that link - that's why it shows as red on the previous page :)

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  • Netduma Staff

Ok cool, any tutorials around on how to add your own router ? :P


If you're putting the Netgear in-front of the Netduma then it is very easy. Just plug Netgear into modem. Then Netduma into Netgear. Then put the Netduma in the Netter's DMZ. Instructions for DMZ are here.

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  • Netduma Staff

OK i have done the setup but now i get no hosting showing up on the map! Any ideas gents?


Is the console definitely connected to the Duma - the Wiif on it hasn't automatically connected to the Netgear or anything?

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