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New Owner...Why Can't I ever get below 60 for a ping in BO3?

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That should be the link to Imgur for everything you asked for.  I pay for a 60mb DL and 4mb UL.  When I run a speed test I ping at 19-20ms with the 60+ DL and 4+ UL.  If it's an ISP issue, I can accept that.  I can change ISPs if I need to.  I want to ping in game at 20-30ms if possible.  I thought that's what the Netduma help us all to do.  I understand that's it not a miracle worker, but if there are settings I can do to get that to where I want it to be, I appreciate the help.  If someone at Netduma needs to remote my PC, let me know.  Any advice is helpful and appreciated!

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You will need to get in touch with your ISP if you are unhappy with your pings they are ranging from 35 to 45 in the pics you have just uploaded so you are seeing 10ms jitter.


You may want to complain about that to them also.


The net duma can not lower your base pings it can get you to a close host which will be nearer to your base ping than a match across the world would be.


It also helps keeping your ping close to base when others are using the internet in your home in the shape of the congestion control.

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You will need to get in touch with your ISP if you are unhappy with your pings they are ranging from 35 to 45 in the pics you have just uploaded so you are seeing 10ms jitter.


You may want to complain about that to them also.


The net duma can not lower your base pings it can get you to a close host which will be nearer to your base ping than a match across the world would be.


It also helps keeping your ping close to base when others are using the internet in your home in the shape of the congestion control.

So there is no setting on the netduma I can change that will make any difference at all?  It's all with the ISP?  So please excuse my lack of knowledge....What do I ask my current ISP, and what should I ask a potential NEW ISP?

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Nope, the Netduma can't change your base ping. Like Zennon said it helps finding a host closer to your home location and helps keeping your ping a low as "possible" when other devices are using the internet while your gaming.. do you have any friends that has the same internet Provider in the city your in.. ask them too run a few ping tests and see what kind of average they get and compare..

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pingtest.net or dslreports.com


even speedtest.net , at least for me pings close to what the Netduma results are I'm usually 23-25 on the duma and between 21-28 on any of the sites i just mentioned.. pretty sure the duma is pinging google/


you can open up your command screen on your computer and run a ping test that way too..

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Every ISP I've spoken to that services my area says that anything under 200ms is all they can guarantee which sucks. I've checked with friends and had them run pings and they're higher than me.


That is pretty shocking. The only suggestion I could give then is switching ISP, but that may not give you a lower base ping

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It seems weird to me that I still pull 60-70ms pings on the Kansas server when I'm only 300-400 miles away.

I'm in South Dakota not too far from you and I connect to the KC server as well. I decided to move my "home" location to Milwaukee area and now I connect to the Seattle server most of the time. It's farther away but I have better results. 

No matter which server I connect to I always have a ping between 55-60. Unless you're willing to try a different ISP it may not get any lower than what you are getting now.

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