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BO3 = Bad Lobbies or No Lobbies

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I have spent the last three days going through different threads on this forum trying to understand the way this router does its thing. I can safely say that I know what each feature does and how and when to implement it.


When I first got the router it was a delight, excellent games 90% of the time. This is why I am struggling to understand why I am having issues as I have not touched the settings until I noticed problems. Which has forced me to try different things.


My internet connection is working fine, full speeds, 75mbps down and 18mbps up, and low pings in the 13 to 14ms to or bbc.co.uk. I am UK based.


All of a sudden im having issues. 


Heres a list;


1. Finding lobbies can take a couple of minutes, sometimes never finding a lobby if I use my original settings. Which are Home location as my actual home. Radius of around 450km, PA = 30 and Strict Mode = ON. Always tries to connect to servers which are incorrectly reported as being in the US, when in fact they are Irish dedi servers.


2. Some games are simply unplayable. Either I or other players lagging all over the place.


3. If I place the Home location in a different country to try and connect to a dedi server in that country, Germany for example, the router will not connect to anything inside the Geo Filter when in Germany. It will ALWAYS try to connect to a host in the UK which is outside of the Geo Filter, I am located in the UK. This is with Strict Mode ON and PA = 0.


4. Oddly, when I do manage to get into some lobbies, most of the other players will be rank 1. Have no idea what thats all about but thought I would add it.


Ive tried various different combinations of settings and I just cant seem to find anything that gives a consistent result as i had when I first started using the router.


I am not even sure its the router at fault, as playing other call of duty titles seem to be fine.


Some guidance would be much appreciated.


Cheers :)

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OK, so I have spent some time getting the information together that you requested. I hope that this is what you are looking for.


To actually get some of the data you requested, I had to put my Geo Filter back on to Ireland to even get a decent game to provide the information. If I exclude Ireland, I get games that are unplayable, even though reports from both the BO3 Network Monitor shows good ping, and also the NETDUMA Ping Graph showing good pings.


For testing purposes, I fired up the XBOX 360 and played CoD Ghosts, no problems, pretty much straight into a lobby, excellent results in game going 36-11, 29-7 etc etc etc. So I am sure that there is nothing actually wrong with the router. It is something to do with BO3. But I want to get away from that Irish dedi server and when ever I try to do that, I get rubbish quality games and become very frustrated!


Here is the information you requested.


Internet Diagnostic Information:





Host Filter Information:





Geo Map During BO3 Game:





Geo Map Zoomed:


As you can see, I am on that blasted Irish dedi again!!!





Ping Graph During an Acceptable Game:






My ISP is Zen Internet, the connection speed I pay for is a FTTC connection advertised a being able to provide me with 76mbps Downstream and 18mbps Upstream. Never ever had any type of issue with this connection and I am 100% certain that there is nothing wrong with it at this time.


Speed Tests:


Speedtest.net result:





XBOX One Speed Test Result:






Now for some further information. During this game, the BO3 network monitor shows a ping of 33ms and 0% Packet Loss. However, the game was unplayable, rubber banding etc, and other players having at least half a second over me.





Any help in resolving the matter is greatly appreciated.


Thanks :)

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Just thought I would add this info too.


I monitor all of my connections, I have 4 different FTTC connections, and the one I use for gaming is used solely for that purpose. Therefore I have no use for the Congestion Control feature. The sliders are always at 100%


Here is what my connection has looked like for the last 24 hours.



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Well sort of. The Irish dedi can on occasion provide a good game. But its highly inconstant.


I back out of the lobby after the game to ensure I allow the R1 to do its thing. I assume this is the correct thing to do rather than stay in the lobby even though the game was good?


But there are other dedi's which I want to try, and whenever I try to remove the Irish dedi from the equation, I get games that are simply unplayable.

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Well sort of. The Irish dedi can on occasion provide a good game. But its highly inconstant.


I back out of the lobby after the game to ensure I allow the R1 to do its thing. I assume this is the correct thing to do rather than stay in the lobby even though the game was good?


But there are other dedi's which I want to try, and whenever I try to remove the Irish dedi from the equation, I get games that are simply unplayable.


If the lobby is good then you'd be better of just staying on it. If you want to play on other dedis, then it sounds like you are doing the right thing and that they just don't play well :) Your GeoFilter settings looked fine. Your radius might be a bit small but this doesn't matter as you are connecting to dedis anyway. Do you have bleeding edge cloud enabled?

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Yes, I have the bleeding edge enabled.


I click the Apply Cloud Settings button now and again, but I am unaware of a way to confirm that the cloud has been successfully updated.


I think its just these crap BO3 servers, really would have though that lagdovision would learn from their previous mistakes with servers. Seems thats too much to ask!


Router works fine with CoD Ghosts. I will try it with AW tomorrow.


But of course, BO3 is where it is at - at the moment.


Still in the dark as to why I cannot connect to other hosts if I put my home location in another country.


Tonight I disabled Strict Mode and set PA to 40ms. Still kept the Geo Filter on my actual location with a radius of about 425km. Kept connecting to West Coast US server and the lobbies were awful! Seems the best I can get at this time is the Irish dedi's. But strangely the game chooses to connect me to the West Coast US server instead of the Irish dedi. Oddness of the highest order.


Excellent router, crap server deployment by Lagdovision!

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Same situation today. Crap lobbies.


Why cant I connect to other servers, there apparently is a known XB1 dedi in Germany, but I simply cannot connect to it.


Slowly losing the will to live!

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The game is forcing me also to the Irish dedi, xbox one.


It is definitely the game doing this tested with / without the geo enabled, tested with a .4 firmware router and a .5 firmware router.

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And the US game youtubers melting everyone in gunfights!

I tried to switch off the Geofilter and the host can be in the US and 99% of the players is located in Europe... that's a big joke! :)

Even if it was dedis like COD AW it was not good for me either with high ping playing from Sweden. But B03 is even worse :D


Year 2015 and the online gaming is really bad!

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Those US hosts you're getting will almost certainly be incorrectly located. If you provide me the IDs I can move them.


If you're changing the settings after being on an Irish server you need to wait for the Geo-filter to clear so you don't get it again with PA 0 & strict on.

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Hi mate I'm from the midlands UK, having the same problem as you, can only connect to that one server, my ping is set the same as yours and if u move it up a few it connects straight to the U.S outside of the geo filter which is doing my nut in lol, even connecting to the server shown in your pic and the server in the U.S the game plays no different! I can't understand how bad the matchmaking is on the game, I let a friend host without a Duma last night and every game without fail puts you on a U.S server? I've had he Duma 2 days now and just been fiddling with settings and can't find anything that will work on ops3! Battlefront on the other hand I can't connect to the same server everytime without fail which is 200 miles away and have constant low ping with no problems, ops3 lag compensation is also the worst I've ever seen, me and a few lads went from ops3 to ghosts the others night and had games were we could all get 50 kills each almost every lobby and the hit detection is still amazing for a game 3 years old with only 3k players on max, can't understand where they have gone wrong, and I can't understand how I see some of these YouTube vids where they drop multiple people with ease and the connection looks god like, just wish my connection was like some of there's lol hopefully I can get my head around this Duma soon so I can get the best experience I can.

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Hi mate I'm from the midlands UK, having the same problem as you, can only connect to that one server, my ping is set the same as yours and if u move it up a few it connects straight to the U.S outside of the geo filter which is doing my nut in lol, even connecting to the server shown in your pic and the server in the U.S the game plays no different! I can't understand how bad the matchmaking is on the game, I let a friend host without a Duma last night and every game without fail puts you on a U.S server? I've had he Duma 2 days now and just been fiddling with settings and can't find anything that will work on ops3! Battlefront on the other hand I can't connect to the same server everytime without fail which is 200 miles away and have constant low ping with no problems, ops3 lag compensation is also the worst I've ever seen, me and a few lads went from ops3 to ghosts the others night and had games were we could all get 50 kills each almost every lobby and the hit detection is still amazing for a game 3 years old with only 3k players on max, can't understand where they have gone wrong, and I can't understand how I see some of these YouTube vids where they drop multiple people with ease and the connection looks god like, just wish my connection was like some of there's lol hopefully I can get my head around this Duma soon so I can get the best experience I can.


Strict mode ticked, Ping assist at 0 and move your home location away from that host with a 1000km radius

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