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Can I get banned from Destiny?

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I'm considering the R1.

For Destiny, according to https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/11929:


Q: What behaviors can lead Bungie to apply account restrictions or bans to a user?
A: Bungie regards the following behavior to be in breach of the license agreement that governs Destiny, and therefore potentially subject to access restrictions:
* Modification or interruption of Destiny network traffic with intent to disrupt other players’ experiences or to gain advantage in the game
How can I be sure that I will not get banned by using Netduma R1?
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Thanks @Crossy!


Me neither. Yet would not like to be the first one due to using this product.

I really really would like to get one, but don't want to be the one that not only spent a lot of money on a product, but resulting in ban.

Personally there isn't anything I hate more in this game than cheaters. I would not like to be even slightly considered one.

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Hi Daemon.   I play Destiny and have had no issue.  All you'll be doing in Destiny is finding people to play with within a particular geographical location.  For example, my geo is set from the East coast to mid United States.  That allows me to play with people within a reasonable area for better quality games but doesn't affect anyone else at all.  Everyone you play with in Destiny has to be within your geo settings, so everyone will have the same experience.  You'll still see people with red bars in the room, but thats more due to their crap internet and has nothing to do at all with the duma.

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Thanks @Jeff!

That helps. Since according to Bungie's banning rules, it is in some sort a network interruption. Unless they refer to interruption once the game has started.



How is this affecting fireteams?

For example in 3v3, let's say the opposite 3 have one in the West coast while the other two are in the East. Will the entire team be blocked from being match made with you?

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Had my Duma for a little over a week now and have been playing Destiny pretty much exclusively with no issues whatsoever. A very nice change seeing a sea of green bars when playing in the crucible. If you do play PvE in a clan i would suggest turning the Geo Filter off until you have given all your clan members a "green light" assuming, of course, you have clan members outside your preferred Geo filter range. 

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Thanks @Jeff!

That helps. Since according to Bungie's banning rules, it is in some sort a network interruption. Unless they refer to interruption once the game has started.



How is this affecting fireteams?

For example in 3v3, let's say the opposite 3 have one in the West coast while the other two are in the East. Will the entire team be blocked from being match made with you?

If anything game will just boot you.

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