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Server that works for me


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Oh yea. I've tried everything. Restarting the modem, router, xbox, game, waiting 2 minutes for the filter to clear...everything. The only dedi I can pull is Seattle and it's awful for me being in Vermont. I'm not sure what's going on. I don't mind player hosts, most of them in my area seem to be OK. The problem is when that person leaves I usually get kicked because it finds a host outside my radius. This is definitely a problem when I party up with people, we constantly get booted.

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Try putting your home location in Illinois and set your GF to just include Illinois.For some it plays great but for me most of the time it plays like shit and I'm 80 miles from the northern server bank.

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I am in Texas and this game is always trying to connect me to Seattle, which doesn't play well most of the time, especially when I am in a party with my local friends. 


I have bleeding edge enabled and my Geofilter set to between 300-600 and I've had pretty good results. That last patch that treyarch released really seemed to mess things up for me, that night the game was just extremely laggy, nothing to do with our routers.


I have been connected to dedis outside my geofilter, but when that happens restarting the duma and then the xbox seems to resolve that problem.


Is there a list of dedicated servers? I could have sworn I was connecting to a Dedi in Dallas before. Why in the heck would this game put me on a dedi 2200km away if there is one like 500 km away? The match-making in general seems crazy, I've had games where one guy was in Mexico, couple of east coast, couple on west coast, midwest, and some dude in like jamaica. Of course this was after failing to connect with Geo on and turning it off....

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I am in Texas and this game is always trying to connect me to Seattle, which doesn't play well most of the time, especially when I am in a party with my local friends.


I have bleeding edge enabled and my Geofilter set to between 300-600 and I've had pretty good results. That last patch that treyarch released really seemed to mess things up for me, that night the game was just extremely laggy, nothing to do with our routers.


I have been connected to dedis outside my geofilter, but when that happens restarting the duma and then the xbox seems to resolve that problem.


Is there a list of dedicated servers? I could have sworn I was connecting to a Dedi in Dallas before. Why in the heck would this game put me on a dedi 2200km away if there is one like 500 km away? The match-making in general seems crazy, I've had games where one guy was in Mexico, couple of east coast, couple on west coast, midwest, and some dude in like jamaica. Of course this was after failing to connect with Geo on and turning it off....

Until the cloud update is released, untick bleeding edge, set PA to 0, strick mode on, and keep your range around 500-600 like you have been.


It was doing me the same way, I live in SC, and it was putting me on the kansass server all time. Did was I suggested and it worked for me.

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