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The share excess button in congestion control.

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In one of sims videos he suggested that you might want to play around with this button and make your console the highest priority. Ive been playing around with the share excess button but every time I untick it my other devices (laptops etc) get super slow!! Anyone have any input on this topic? and what is your guys' opinion on the preemptive/reactive algorithm? which is best if you have a 17Download, 0.9 upload? Sim said that the reactive algorithm is way better. thoughts? thanks!! all input appreciated!!!

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I have just about the same speeds you do and I just changed it to reactive from pre. The game itself seems to have gotten better overall, but that wasn't the only changes I made. I also opened some ports.


As far as the share excess, I leave it ticked as that's the way I was told to set it up. I do give my PS4 more piece of the pie though.

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if reactive works for you great but ive done some test and preemptive and congestion control at 70% or below helps with blufferboat within your modem. 

my speeds are 60 down and 4 up 

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I've tested reactive when I had 6mb and I've team viewed people having ping issues and reactive always keeps pings lower while using congestion control, when there is surfing or streaming on the network.


Share excess I have ticked and leave the flower as it is but I do have 17mb upload so more than enough to go round.

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XB360 and XBOne I use Preemptive


PS4 I NOW strictly use Reactive even though my speeds suggest I should be using Preemptive 100% of the time.  Reactive plays much better on PS4 (Nods to Zennon)

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