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In need of serious help!!

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Played BO3 for about a hour and half tonight, GEO filter didn't want to work (I think it chooses when to work), so it put me on the Kansas server AGAIN.


Anyway, I'm being lag compt to the breaking point. I love BO3, but the lag compt is breaking the game for me as no matter what I do, no matter what gun I use, perks, attachments ... Anything, I get outgunned. I seem to die in one or two bullets, the person seems to shoot me well before I can even ADS.


It's infuriating honesty. I just can't compete and have fun with it any more. IS THERE ANYWAY I CAN COUNTER THIS AT ALL?


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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that server is just as bad as the seattle one from advanced warfare. i live in alabama and never connect to the georgia or florida server. no matter how small i lower the geo filter with strict mode on it still connects me to that shitty kanas server 

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I have the exact same thing in BO3 and had it in AW I don't think the duma was made to fix out problem. Which probably is lag comp. I do believe the netduma router works just not for this. I haven't seen any better gaming with it than with out. The router helps alot of people just not us. Someday someway Ill find a way to get around this.

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I have the exact same thing in BO3 and had it in AW I don't think the duma was made to fix out problem. Which probably is lag comp. I do believe the netduma router works just not for this. I haven't seen any better gaming with it than with out. The router helps alot of people just not us. Someday someway Ill find a way to get around this.

worked great when i first got it i dont kno what happen my online experience has been inconsistent lately shady hit detection and dumb deaths 

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Same thing has happened to me guys. I'm on the east coast and I partied up with a buddy of mine that lives 10 miles away and we got thrown into the crappy Seattle server where it pings over 80ms! Terrible.

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I just rebooted the netduma and hard reset the xbox one and it fixed the outside the geo filter issue. Back to playing on the east coast with 35 - 45 ping games which is what I'm normally at. It's crazy how much 40ms makes a difference. I can feel it every time.

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It's not just happening to you guys on the east. I'm on the west and all I've been seeing is lag. Funny thing is I decided to disable the R1 and I did better. No negative games with it disabled. It's pretty sad because I have to camp just to compete.


On the flip side, it seems my GEO filter issues are gone.

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i live 69 miles from the seattle server and I'm still getting crazy lag of 70-80ms.... Im unsure if its BO3 or the netduma is a over priced piece of software.

its black ops 3 i remember on advanced warfare with or without the geo filter it would force me to play on the seattle dedi now its forcing me on the kanas city dedi

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  • Netduma Staff

For everyone that is lagging remember 1) The Netduma hasn't been optimised fully yet with Bops3 and 2) They probably haven't fixed all the problems in Bops3 yet. If you're lagging and you want help getting it fixed then make a thread with this info in it.

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  • Administrators

If you follow the instructions here you will not get a host outside your Geo-Filter: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/8865-black-ops-3-hosts-outside-radius/


Kevo et al I believe you are playing with strict mode off. Enable it, and set ping assist to 0ms to guarantee hosts in your Geo-Filter. 


Parkrr as lag comp is a stupid myth passed on by youtubers. The video demonstrating it is actually just an artefact of rendering split screen. Since you've had the router a while I'm sure you understand how to use Geo-Filter & CC. As long as the ping is low then the router is doing its job. If you feel the game is still lagging with a low ping then either:

  • There is a problem with the servers
  • Make sure you're not playing on wireless
  • It's a new a game they probably need to do some fine-tuning and also it takes a while to get the hang of a new game. 

Is your ping acceptable? 

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If you follow the instructions here you will not get a host outside your Geo-Filter: http://forum.netduma.com/topic/8865-black-ops-3-hosts-outside-radius/


Kevo et al I believe you are playing with strict mode off. Enable it, and set ping assist to 0ms to guarantee hosts in your Geo-Filter.


Parkrr as lag comp is a stupid myth passed on by youtubers. The video demonstrating it is actually just an artefact of rendering split screen. Since you've had the router a while I'm sure you understand how to use Geo-Filter & CC. As long as the ping is low then the router is doing its job. If you feel the game is still lagging with a low ping then either:

  • There is a problem with the servers
  • Make sure you're not playing on wireless
  • It's a new a game they probably need to do some fine-tuning and also it takes a while to get the hang of a new game.
Is your ping acceptable?
Yes. My ping according to NETDUMA is usually around 30-45. I'll also get lag spikes with in the game, but no lag spikes on NETDUMA showing it.


But I still want to know how am I being shot before I can even ADS? It's like I'm half a second or so behind in over 90% of the gun fights I get into.

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Also was wondering, should I have my upload cap at a higher percentage since it's only 4MB? Download is 60MB. Should I lower that to 60% or lower?


I'm at work recking my brain trying to figure out a way to stop being out gunned so much. It's driving me mad. Lol

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For everyone that is lagging remember 1) The Netduma hasn't been optimised fully yet with Bops3 and 2) They probably haven't fixed all the problems in Bops3 yet. If you're lagging and you want help getting it fixed then make a thread with this info in it.

all my threads get closed because of my negativity. Whats the point lol

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  • Netduma Staff

all my threads get closed because of my negativity. Whats the point lol


Only one of your threads was closed and that was because you were trying to sell your Netduma on here.... Fraser offered to do a 1 on 1 with you in your previous thread. Did you accept that?

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actually I have had other threads closed, why I have no idea my original first ever thread was closed. I sent Frazier a couple pm since with no response. I truly do not think the duma can help my problem, I have been off for a month and tinkering and reading peoples ideas with the same result I am behind a second or two or milla second or whatever. I mean a month of tinkering and its still the same. There is some other issue, lag comp which some say dosen't exist and others say it does. I have no idea anymore. I just know that tinker with this thing and I love to tinker has made no change in the delay. I had one private session with Frazier a way back but donno that I saw any difference. Don't get me wrong I am no cod god average at best. But I know what a delay is and how often I am stuck with it. I'm guessing if I didn't get that rare game with no lag that I would have just assumed I was really bad and never played the game.

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