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Halo 5 Compatablility: Cloud Update Now Live

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We've updated the Cloud with Halo 5 IP server addresses and it will take up to 4 hours from me posting this thread for the changes to take effect. This should mean your Netduma is now compatible with Halo 5.




1. Access your Netduma interface using a browser e.g. Chrome by typing in

2. Go to >Settings >Miscelleanous

3. Scroll down to the section titled 'Cloud Settings'

4. Tick 'Enable Cloud' and 'Bleeding Edge Cloud' (so both boxes are ticked)

5. Click the red 'Apply Cloud Settings' box

6. Go to the Geo-filter and tick 'Strict Mode'


You should now be compatible. Please keep reading on though:


Halo 5 Matchmaking


It looks like Halo 5 appears is entirely on Dedicated Servers and there are only a handful of them around the world. The Geo-filter will mean you only on servers close to your home which will cut lag significantly.


Annoyingly though Halo 5 is different to other console games in that it chooses a server before checking if you can actually connect to it. So if the game tries to match you in a server outside of your Geo-filter range you will have to restart your matchmaking search.


So try not set your range too narrow, perhaps cover the region / continent you live in e.g. North America, Europe, Oceania etc.There's no punishment for failing to connect but you will have restart your matchmaking search.


We need your help


The Geo-filter uses the world's most accurate database of IP address locations, but it's not perfect so whenever a new game launches we need to manually update the Cloud for any incorrectly located IP addresses. This is where you come in. Please look out for these two things:


1. You are on a server close to your home but the ping is very high >120ms; or

2. You are on a server far away from your home but the ping is very low


If this happens, click on the server's circle on your Geo-filter and post the ID in this thread along with your location in the world. An ideal post would be:


Server ID: 76893d0826157075

Server location: Mid US

Ping: 25ms

My location: UK


We will update for the Cloud for these IDs to make the Geo-filter optimised for H5.


Also we'd love your feedback on how you get on using the Geo-filter with Halo e.g. how many searches does it take to find a game on a local server and is the benefit tangible?

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assuming within one week we have an optimized cloud database, in which way will this solve the issue of being connected to a server outside your region?

the problem right now is that EU players are put 95% of the time into US dedicated servers for no reason except for maybe appealing the US players, pretty much the entire matchmaking system runs almost only on US servers for the EU/US region

Oceania can be lucky they are in a different server-cluster though with low player count


so what my concern is, i dont want to lose connection to the lobby and game 95% of the time because of a US host just to have 5% of lagfree games when its on EU servers

thats pretty inefficient imo


and incase this game is handled by XBL like the MCC or other games then yes you get a penatly when going out of the game as soon as the lobby has been created despite the game not running yet, you get a negative reputation over the time which when reached a certain point means you can only play other negative players

(i had that once and it pretty much means your potential player pool is extremly small)






either way i updated and will post wrong server locations incase it helps

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The correct servers are great but this confirms what I've thought since the beta.


With the matchmaking server selection being a lottery, the geo-filter works but doesn't assist as such.


It prevents me going into lobbies outside my range, which is its sole purpose (full marks for that), but the game breaks it by trying to put me into a lobby outside that range 9 times out of 10 (or worse).


Not Netdumas fault but not a satisfactory matchmaking experience either. For what its worth I do think SBMM is a factor.


I just cant get my head around fact that developers cant figure out transcontinental gaming blows junks :)

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Thanks for letting us know this Odin & Buds. I'm going to try and fit in a few games this weekend too to see what the % is. If it really is >9/10 times then Europeans will be getting a poor deal from the matchmaking. Hopefully this is just a starting situation for the game.


Odin - is there any way you can tell if the disconnections are giving you a bad rep?

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Odin - is there any way you can tell if the disconnections are giving you a bad rep?


yes this is pretty new and has a reason behind it

in games like MCC or H5 once you are on a certain arena rank and thus the pool of players you play gets smaller you can tell by seeing the emblems on who you are going to face in a few seconds before the game started and back out without penalty to avoid a lose

because of that 343i and microsoft decided to put the penalty the moment the lobby has been created and you can see the emblems to prevent dodging stronger opponents

the only penalty H5 doesnt have yet from my knowledge is the temorary ban from matchmaking after too much disconnections


you can test it by yourself by creating a new XBL account with no multiplayer games played yet

quit the connection to the lobby 10-15 times in a row, give the XBL system some time to update your status and then check the following homepage to get detail info on your repurtation




here is an example of me having red reputation from just 5-6 quits and 2 feedbacks from other players within 2 month



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incase the update is already live, if not ignore
info before:
my regular ping to MCC seattle dedi servers: 200
my regular ping to MCC mid us dedi servers: 150
my regular ping to MCC east coast dedi servers: 120
(my location is mid europe, servers and pings between MCC and H5 should be the same)
11/11 games on US host, with geo filter on i wouldnt have connected to a single game

ID: 9b28d9a4c53a474c
Distance: 8023km
Ping: 120
Location: Mid US
my Location: Germany
ping is too good for middle US, must be east coast server

ID: bb17d29db45a5b60
Distance: 8412km
Ping: 120
Location: Seattle
my Location: mid europe
ping is too good for seattle, must be east coast server



ID: b96865300558d2d7
Distance: 8412km
Ping: 150
Location: Seattle
my Location: mid europe
ping is too good for seattle, must be Mid US region
ID: f1282ffac5907075
Distance: 8023km

Ping: 120

Location: Mid US

my Location: mid europe


must be east coast server because of ping




ID: 2b179a65b4ca5b60
Distance: 8412km

Ping: 150

Location: Seattle

my Location: mid europe


must be a Mid US server



ID: b12830fbc5506d72
Distance: 8023km
Ping 120
Location: Mid US
my Location: mid europe
must be east coast because of ping
ID: 76288853c515474c
Distance: 8023km

Ping: 120

Location: Mid US

my Location: mid europe


must be east coast server



ID: 9728f9c4c5367479
Distance: 8023km
Ping: 120
Location: Mid US
my Location: mid europe
must be east coast server

ID: 35280ed9c5d4474c
Distance: 8023km

Ping: 120

Location: Mid US

my Location: mid europe


must be east coast server



D: 9728e9b4c536474c

Distance: 8023km

Ping: 120

Location: Mid US

my Location: mid europe


must be east coast server



ID: 59177742b4f85b60
Distance: 8412km
Ping: 150
Location: Seattle
my Location: mid europe
must be mid us server
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The above cloud fix worked great for like 2 games, then I kept getting quit banned...thanks for the effort though....guess it's just the way the game is, due to it putting the lobby together before deciding on a server.

I should also mention; the games I did get on the Dublin server were really laggy, people teleporting, melee's not registering etc, also my sensitivity went crazy during one fight.

Maybe it doesn't really matter what server we get if we are still playing with laggy players. I went from consistently winning FFA's with 2.0 K/D on average to going extremely negative on the 3 EU games I had so far.....with that in mind, I'm not so bothered about it now.

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ID: e789f6c126868287    Distance: 8412km

located: seattle

ping 50

my location: mid europe


this must be a EU server, probably the ireland one as my ping is slightly above 50 to it

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This is a nice try from the Duma team however currently completely unusable. I was placed into a European lobby 1 time out of 100 attempts. 


The only slightly realistic setting for now is to include east coast U.S for a slightly playable experience.


Other than that you're going to become lobby pro's.

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Ok I've tried it like 10 times and it kick me back to the lobby again and again.


I would like to play with people from UK france, ITA, Ireland, Spain etc ...



This is a nice try from the Duma team however currently completely unusable. I was placed into a European lobby 1 time out of 100 attempts. 


The only slightly realistic setting for now is to include east coast U.S for a slightly playable experience.


Other than that you're going to become lobby pro's.


And you guys don't get a quit ban after trying like 5-6 times?... I do every time without fail.

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come on there surely must be some sort of way to get an influence on the server pick

cannot you increase your ping to a very high number which then makes the game chose the local dedicated server as all other, farer servers give you an even much higher ping?

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And you guys don't get a quit ban after trying like 5-6 times?... I do every time without fail.


Yes after that I can't select the playlist for a while.


I have to turn off the console, disable the geo filter and start again to play.


And again ...

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so Fraser 343i announced today that they did a variety of changes to the network structure along with stopping the region-lock for players

(eg EU/US are one region-lock means australian players cannot connect to these dedicated servers)

but they are turned off for now as further testing is done right now


maybe theres a chance this helps to make the geo-filter work with the game?




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so Fraser 343i announced today that they did a variety of changes to the network structure along with stopping the region-lock for players

(eg EU/US are one region-lock means australian players cannot connect to these dedicated servers)

but they are turned off for now as further testing is done right now


maybe theres a chance this helps to make the geo-filter work with the game?





Ahh excellent, I'll test it again and see if there is more we can do

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Geo: OFF

Server ID: 9c8a32fd273b565b    Distance: 10148km

Server locationWest Coast U.S (left side)

Ping: 100 ms

My location: Turkey


Gametype: FFA


I think this must be clearly misplaced.



Geo: OFF

Server ID: 0928eab5c5a87a7f    Distance: 10053km

Server location: Mid U.S

Ping: 87 ms

My location: Turkey


Gametype: FFA



Geo: OFF

Server ID: bd28642fc55c7075    Distance: 10053km

Server location: Mid U.S

Ping: 150 ms (VERY LAGGY) spiked way above 150

My location: Turkey


Gametype: FFA



Geo: OFF

Server ID: 9c8a32fd273b565b    Distance: 9819km

Server location: West Coast (trace route showed the signal going to the west coast then mid u.s)

Ping: 100 ms

My location: Turkey


Gametype: FFA



Geo: OFF

Server ID: ba285b26c5597075    Distance: 9661km

Server location: Mid U.S

Ping: 150ms (playable) (once again trace showed west coast to mid signal path)

My location: Turkey


Gametype: FFA



Geo: OFF

Server ID: f028e6b1c58f7479    Distance: 9661km

Server location: Mid U.S

Ping: 150 ms (VERY LAGGY)

My location: Turkey


Gametype: FFA



Geo: OFF

Server ID: bc28642fc55b7075    Distance: 9789KM

Server location: Mid U.S

Ping: 150 ms

My location: Turkey


Gametype: FFA



I just tried entering with geo on and the area selection covering all of Europe and Asia. I tried 10 times and each time it blocked a Mid U.S server.




Server ID:     Distance:

Server location


My location: Turkey



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ID: c2283f0ac5617a7f

Distance: 7777km

Ping: 60ms

Located: US Mid

my Location: EU Mid


definitely an EU Dedi, hard to say if either the Netherland one or the Ireland one since both give me 60ms

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ID: e128511cc5807a7f
Distance: 7777km
Ping: 55ms
Located: US Mid
my Location: EU Mid
must be a EU dedi
ID: 24176e39b4c35b60
Distance: 6879km
Ping: 133ms

Located: US Mid/East near Great Lakes


there is no azure server there so i guess its the east coast azure server


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