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This new "hidden" update


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Hi Wake - I am one of those "early testers".  I got to be one by being one of the first people to buy a router back in the middle of Dec., 2014, and being from Washington State here in the US.


What you have been seeing on Twitter, about the Anti-Jitter and the QoS posts, ARE NOT what is being tested right now.  Right now we are testing a feature that will allow the router to take advantage of much higher internet speeds for those that have that luxury.


So far, it hasn't been smooth, but I expect that as a Beta tester.  I have lost connectivity with certain devices, my GUI lost about 50% of it's features and I had to end up doing a complete reboot, which in turn dumped all my previously rated hosts.


So honestly I think the way that Team Duma has gone about this really makes a lot of sense when you consider the company is barely (IF) a year old and they only have a couple of full time employees.  If they suddenly had 20 or 50 or 100 people going through what I have gone through, it would flood service with an impossible tidal wave of complaints and problems, not to mention a loyal user fan-base that would quickly be soured.


I can assure you all, whatever you THINK is happening when we are Beta testing, it's probably not anything close.  There are a couple of really cool new features (like a pop out feature of your in-game ping with just reads "XXms" in a small window that I love).


It takes time.  Fraser is one person and there are a few of us reporting things, so the fine tuning is really down to the final stages, but they want to make sure it works for everyone.

interesting,just lurking here,thanks for the letting us know whats going on. having me a redbull right now trying to absorb everything.

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Were the testers on Twitter bragging or mentioning that they are testing it?  If so, perhaps Netduma staff can kindly ask these testers not to talk about it until before the release just so it doesn't stir things up.  As for me, I don't care.  I'll wait for a working product.

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Were the testers on Twitter bragging or mentioning that they are testing it?  If so, perhaps Netduma staff can kindly ask these testers not to talk about it until before the release just so it doesn't stir things up.  As for me, I don't care.  I'll wait for a working product.

Straight up BRAGGING, how did parasite even get into the beta? I believe he is new to the team, o wait they want someone who can promote the product to get the goods first.

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Jeeez I can't beleive people are so worked up over this,it's an update that we will eventually get all in good time,I'd rather let with no disrespect the guinea pigs deal with all the bugs than myself,people take shit way too serious I must be the most laid back guys on thus forum because I simply don't care,ill welcome it when it comes but for now I'm loving my Duma,honestly if didn't get released til after Christmas I wouldn't care lol

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When i fix computers etc I tell the customer it will be around 3 days then when I ring them later the same day to tell them it is done it gives them a sense of speed and they are over the moon.


If i told them it would be the same day their would expectation would be greater and if I couldnt meet that requirement because of complications there would be hell on but I still have the 3 days under my belt.


It is hard to keep the excitment in when you have created something new but it is better to keep stum until it is ready I feel.


I have learned how impatient humans are when giving hard to meet targets.

I couldn't have said it better. 

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