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Host Migration

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I notice with the Geo-Filter enabled playing Ghosts on XB1 if there is a host migration that the game will completely freeze on the host migration screen.


Happens almost every time I am destroying another team so they quit and the only way to get past the black migration screen is to completely restart the game. 


Why doesn't the R1 reconnect to the next host so we don't lose all our perfect games?

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Crossy is exactly right,the duma is trying to connect you to the new host but when it freezes the new host is outside of your GF.When playing ghosts I tend to do what Crossy suggested and disable the GF once I'm in a game as people tend to bail if they're getting hammered.

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Yep same for me when they are getting smashed , I take it as a compliment and just wait a min for it to un freeze and re search with the same geo setting so I get nice tight LAN like games :)

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