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Last Gen CoD dead?


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Its been a little while since i have had the time to jump on lately.


Ghosts- 3k online

BO2- 4k online

MW3- 5k online


im a little suprised by the BO2 numbers... played it a bit but game is still trash with horrid hit detection/lag. couldnt get a game in ghosts at all. MW3 still plays heads and shoulders above BO2.


i didnt even bother with putting AW in.

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I saw about 30,000 on Ops but won't be going back to play last gen CoD anymore.  Put them in for 2 days recently and hit a large number of modded rooms.  Unlimited killstreaks, god mode, etc.   Would much rather play the newer CoDs even AW than deal with all that.   The last day i tried, the 2nd room i was in some kid had 'mod' in his name with a 23.0 k/d.  His name was flashing all sorts of colors as he was telling the whole lobby he would give them mods just for subscribing to his youtube.  Even if they would have a big play count it isn't worth dealing with all of that crap.

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it was mainly ops2 and mw2 when i played the other day.   Though i've seen them in all.  have video's posted of the invisible hack in mw3.  but maybe i just had the worst luck in the world for those two days.  MW3 was def my favorite of the other CoD's and would be fun to play again.

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I saw about 30,000 on Ops but won't be going back to play last gen CoD anymore.  Put them in for 2 days recently and hit a large number of modded rooms.  Unlimited killstreaks, god mode, etc.   Would much rather play the newer CoDs even AW than deal with all that.   The last day i tried, the 2nd room i was in some kid had 'mod' in his name with a 23.0 k/d.  His name was flashing all sorts of colors as he was telling the whole lobby he would give them mods just for subscribing to his youtube.  Even if they would have a big play count it isn't worth dealing with all of that crap.



MW3 played the best this morning. even with low player counts the hit detection is spot on. fun people on playing too, no hacks... just good old CoD.

I ran into some of these D-bags the other day... Luckily, they were force hosting with their mods. so I used the geofilter to my advantage and decided to troll this asshat. Got on the mic and embarrassed them for what they do, so he threatened to "hack me"......ha....., so then i went for a shoot in the dark and told him it looks like he's in Detroit, MI, better watch what he's saying to people online.. I've never seen someone get off line faster.. lol


They ruin every single game and I don't understand the point behind it but whatever, just block them like I do whenever you run into them. 99% of the time they are force pulling the host, so once you know that just block the host and never deal with them again. I hope every gamer gets this router just to force block these clowns.

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worst thing i ever done was buy the xbox one. av gave it to me son. 360 old cods for me, no bullshit deaths.


AW nowt worth the time of day for me.

I truly thought this as well when the game first came out.. it is one of the hardest cods I've ever played. (In my opinion) But it made me a better player now forsure, I changed my playing style to adapt to this game and from doing that, my k/d has gone up drastically on all the COD games. My tip is to learn to play WAY more defensive. This game was built for the rush, run out and jump around like an idiot.. but guess what if you do that, you will die and die very quickly. When I play any games now, (Regardless of the game mode) I just follow my team mates, and let them be the "Cheese" for the enemy and while they get taken out, I take that person out and repay the favor. This game has become unfairly easy. I cant tell you the last time I had under 30kills in a game on AW. 

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played MW3 last night. fantastic time! works like CoD should work, even better when you load down your internet. totally backpacking my team dropping 30+ bombs in TDM all night... only a few games of WTF moments. amazing how well its holding up and was maybe 30k players on last night late.

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