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Incorrect geographical region black ops 2

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Hi there


Today I struggled to find games on Black ops 2 on PS3. Normally I can find no prob with 0 ping assist and 333 mile GF.


The odd game it did throw me was thousands of miles away in USA (I'm in Shropshire, UK).


I looked in game on system infonand it says my geo region is El Segundo California!!


Any ideas on how to change this? Sorry won't let me attach screen shots. :/


Thanks in anticipation.

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Hi Fraser


Sorry didn't explain well enough, I haven't changed my location on the netduma at all, it's always been roughly in the centre of the uk.


It seemed to have been randomly changed in the game which is why the router is only matching me into games in the USA !!


Can anyone help as I can't get into any games while it's like this.


By the way is there a problem with uploading screenshots on this website?


I've tried different my tablet and PC at home but it crashes, and now tried a different PC on a different network entirely and the page dies.


FYI the screenshot is only 800kb, well below the limit.



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Cajun had PM'd me about this as well.  If you google Geo Location plus Black Ops 2 there are some threads about people in the UK/Europe getting better lobbies if they move their Geo Location to Europe, but it's in the game or system menu related to PS3.


Cajun - Do you remember if you had an OPEN or Moderate NAT type when you were having the problem?


The two threads I sped through had some mixed result posts and a couple of people saying that if you move this, it can effect your DLC, so I don't know if that is a concern Cajun.


Hopefully this post will bump it back up and we can find someone who knows what the specifics are of this problem.

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Thats strange! Has it been sorted now?

No I'm afraid it isn't. This is a big deal because it doesn't connect me to any UK or even Europe lobbies. I waited nearly 10 minutes then it placed me in a usa lobby and the ping was well over 80 sometimes 100ms and higher.


Wish I could upload Screenshot so you can see but it won't let me.


In black ops2 within options there is an option to view system info, it's in there.


Dillinger It won't let you change it here, they probably removed the option via a patch some time ago. Thanks for taking the the time to look.


I tried again tonight and still no lobbies. The in game geo region must be affecting my ability to connect to UK lobbies.


Could it be reading my ps3 ip address incorrectly?

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How do I check where the IP address is located? I use a static ip for the PS3


How do I check to see if a VPN is applied to the console?


Do you mean rebuilding the PS3 database?


I've since rebooted the netduma and it has changed my location to London, UK. ...better by a long way, but NOT ideal as previously it said the location was Sheffield which was pretty 

much where I positioned my home location in the GF.



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Your public IP is the same as your PS3 so do reverse dns "my ip" or iplocation and your IP and see what comes up. 


Go to the VPN tab and make sure there is not a green box saying connected.


No holding down the power button for 10 seconds until it turns off.


If its London I would say that is fine, as they are not very far away from each other in the grand scheme of things.

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I know i'm late to the party but a friend who I game with all the time had this same issue.He just clicked on system info on day and it said Scottsdale,Arizona and we live in Michigan.


He called his IP and complained and they said that's their location and how things were routed,that's why it showed up that way.Which made no sense but 2 days later for some unknown reason he checked again and it was back to his hometown in Michigan.


So for him it was an ISP thing,but your milage may very

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I know i'm late to the party but a friend who I game with all the time had this same issue.He just clicked on system info on day and it said Scottsdale,Arizona and we live in Michigan.


He called his IP and complained and they said that's their location and how things were routed,that's why it showed up that way.Which made no sense but 2 days later for some unknown reason he checked again and it was back to his hometown in Michigan.


So for him it was an ISP thing,but your milage may very


Ahh awesome thanks for the info fuzzy!!


Yes you could use that site Cajun

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Thanks Fuzzy and Fraser


It doesn't actually bother me that much that it changed in game but the problem was it was telling the Netduma my location was in California, half way through the world!


This meant I couldn't connect to any local lobbies and the one's it did do was in the USA with much higher ping!


At least I know know to reboot the netduma as that made it work. Would be nice if the development team looked into this though as this happened to me also in the black ops 3 beta.


What I don't want to do is keep checking the system info every time I load up the game just to check where it puts my location to ideally  :mellow:


Thanks for your time everyone.

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I see your issue's with not connecting to local servers/lobbies with that happening and yea I would not like to be it that situation either.


IMO I would keep checking it and see if it's everytime you fire up your system or if it's just a random thing every 2 or 3 days.If it keeps happening I would contact your ISP and explain the situation and see if they can be of any help.I wouldn't rely on rebooting the duma as the fix for it,it's just throwing a band aid over the situation,find the issue and fix it as that shouldn't be happening.


Good luck to you... :D

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