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In what way are you lagging?it's literally the only game I've played with no lag until last night,all though I was playing on the europe server that I was pinging 13ms too I got serious delay in hit detection,it was like playing gears on the xbox360 again lol

There's no consistency for me in this game. One minute I'm killing everyone in sight, then my connection disappears on me. I could go from getting instant kills, to shooting someone five times and them not dying. Like Iain said he's going to pick it up this week, so hopefully the R1 eventually supports this title.

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yea im getting a lot of lag too, i also seem to be connecting to the american servers all the time for some reason, but if you're experiencing a lot of lag/ inconsistency with the gnasher shot gun its because its bugged to hell, but they are working on a patch which is meant to be released soon and will apparently sort a lot of it out,  but no date has been confirmed as of yet, 



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