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I actually like AW again....


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After the BLOPS3 beta Playing AW was a total treat, like playing a new game again. waaaaaaaaaay better.

I went back and tried blops 1 and 2 over the last week as well, On my connection all are total garbage even with the R1.

Ive been playing AW since release most days and after getting the R1 it made a difference.

I still enjoy playing AW, I am not a fan of the boosting about all over the place but the game play is on my connection with the R1  way better than any of the black ops releases.

N.B. I also do not think that the world will end if you feel differently to me on this. ;) lol

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I had excellent connection on the black ops 3 beta (PS4) Smooth gameplay, would average 25 plus kills in TDM per match, when that match starts full countdowns, AW is garbage I just get spawned in 5-10 seconds late all the time.

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