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Netduma R3 add GTA Online to the list of games to prioritize in SmartBoost


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add all platforms of GTA Online to be detected in "Gaming" within SmartBoost. Grand Theft Auto Online traffic is not prioritized and leads to some lag, i checked and "Gaming" within smart boost doesn't show up as active while i play gta but works for Black Ops Cold War, if GTA is added to the list that would help with the lag that i've noticed.

it would also help if we can select which ports for games we can set to prioritize game traffic to aswell, like in the netduma R2

using DumaOS v4.0.290 on the R3

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happens on both PS5(GTA 5 for ps5) & PC GTA steam. where it will not be detected by SmartBoost

also i noticed that my wifi speeds dropped hugely after the update: v4.0.290 
as well as the Buffer bloat fluctuates alot, and before it use to be +0ms/+1ms buffer bloat on version: v4.0.236
but after the update v4.0.290 is a bit higher at +6ms/+17ms sometimes or higher. the previous version seemed to handle bufferbloat better 
all gaming devices are wired. bufferbloat tests were done on a PC with ethernet
NOTE: i factory reset after each update.
i'll attach a screenshot from my phone that i saw a issue with  wifi speeds, all the test results are done while connected to the R3

i'm headed back to v4.0.236 with my R3 till the next update drops 


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Settings that may work well on a previous version may need to be tweaked on later versions. The WiFi speeds could likely be improved by adjusting some WiFi settings but no worries. I'll take the info about SmartBOOST not detecting GTA to the team to resolve.

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