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After Almost 1 year I still can't use my R2??


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I thought I would try my R2 again since the BO6 beta was on but I still can't get it to work.  I have reset it multiple times but I get errors when I try and do basically anything or it hangs and tells me 'You are no longer connected to your router.' 

If I try and set a Geo-Filter I get an 'Uncaught undefined' or I get this:

RPC error 'ERROR_UNKNOWN': ?:0: attempt to index a nil value -> stack traceback: ?: in function <?:2> ?: in function 'implements_netgear_specification' ?: in function <?:273> (tail call): ? ?: in function <?:46> ?: in function <?:114> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:102> [C]: in function 'run' ?: in function <?:98> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in function 'try' ?: in function <?:87> (tail call): ? ?: in function <?:3> [C]: in function 'xpcall' ?: in main chunk [C]: ?


If I try and update the firmware (current is 3.0.72), no matter which one I try I get the same error:

Firmware has invalid signature, please upload a valid Netduma firmware. If you need assistance please contact Netduma.

I really don't know what else I can do?




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I have tried using Chrome and Edge and yeah, clearing all cache and browsing history.


I just did all the resets again, tried setting the Geo-Filter and got this error

RPC error 'ERROR_CMDFAIL': Exec '/usr/bin/geoip -P /dumaos/apps/usr/com.netdumasoftware.geofilter/data/usr/polygon.json -f /tmp/geoip_ipc2' failed with 1

Then this (which I also get a lot of the time)

This Rapp is not loaded yet, please try again in a minute.


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7 minutes ago, DARKNESS said:

@SpawgIf your updating from that old build you need to be connected via ethernet as there were issues with prior builds like that one were it would fail to update if you were updating via Wifi.

I am connected via ethernet, I can't connect at all via WiFi, even if I reset the password it just won't connect.

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1 minute ago, Fuzy said:

Just to be sure, you connect with your browser with: http: ? and not https:...

I just type in the IP but I tried it using http just to be sure and it's the same. The OS does load eventually, although it is very slow. But I can't use any of the functionality without getting the errors I posted above. 


I also tried this on Mac too, again plugged in with a cable.




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