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Geo Filter Not Working


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Hey everyone! 👋 I recently purchased a Netduma R3 router as I was interested in the Geo Filter functionality and how it could be incredibly beneficial to players from OCE (Australia / New Zealand). Essentially, the region has great issues with matchmaking in games like Call Of Duty. Even at peak hours, you can matchmake and the lobby in Warzone is at 40/120 players.


With the Geo Filter, I thought that you could force matchmaking to a different region such as NA West (Los Angeles, California) and get full lobbies at pretty much any time of the day. I don't mind playing with higher ping and I did this for a while using ExitLag VPN but it was incredibly inconsistent. With the Netduma R3 router and the Geo Filter functionality, if I can join NA West servers every time I matchmake, that would be awesome.


However, I've been trying to get it to work as my Netduma R3 router came the other day and it does not seem to be working whatsoever. I've put the Geo Filter around California with a 1000 km radius and added the Call Of Duty game. Tried it with Filtering ON and OFF. I've also messed around with the extra settings such as Geo Latency and Strict Mode, nothing what I do seems to do what I wanted.






Have I set this up wrong or is this not how this feature is meant to work? Thanks - Martonic

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Do keep in mind that forcing servers on the other side of the world isn't the intended purpose of the router and so while it can be possible, we can't guarantee it as the purpose it to force the closest servers possible for the lowest ping.

Having it set up this way, what is happening exactly, are you getting games but they're still in Aus or it's preventing you getting any games at all?

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I'm aware that this is not the intended usage of the router but you guys did tell me that it can be used for that purpose.




What is happening is I'm trying to matchmake and it just sits on the matchmaking screen. It says that I'm searching for a high ping match but will eventually put me into a local server here in Sydney. Really depends on the mode though. For solos, I never got into a game. When I tried warzone bootcamp, I got placed into a local server. Trios was hit or miss too. I've got it geofenced for Los Angeles with a 1000 kilometer radius and there are several servers that I should be able to join there. I've got the router on strict mode in the geo filter settings.




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Try this:

  1. Quit the application/game/client completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Give PC PlayStation Device Type in the Device Manager
  4. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter - it should now add as a console
  6. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up application/game/client

Then see if it works. Also are you using Game Pass to play the game?

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@MartonicIt is possible to do but without a VPN you’ll pretty much never queue into a lobby as your waiting indefinitely. So the method to select your region is to use HVPN and then use geofilter to lock to a specific server.

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Spent a bit of time testing it out. I got into 3 games. One was a warzone bootcamp, the other two were a solo game and a quads game. On average it took about 4 minutes to get into each of them. I'm almost confident it was a los angeles server each time, was at around 140-150 ms ping. So changing the device to a playstation seems to have worked. I'm playing the game on PC (Steam).




I saw that while adding the device, you could pick which filtering it used. I chose recommended filtering for my game but if I did the manual mode, would that geofence for all games I play? So if I jumped on lets say battlefield 2042, that would work?




Also wanting to reply to Darkness as well. How does the hybrid vpn work? Could you explain it. Thanks! 


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Using HVPN on very distant servers (countries) will increase your ping considerably.

So this is not a viable solution if your ping is already 150ms on these servers.

VPN is a tunnel ---You ISP/VPN Tunnel/Server/VPN Tunnel/ISP You---

The server, will not be where and who you really are, because the VPN tunnel takes over!

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Glad to hear that worked for you! On the next version that option is gone, well at least I don't have it anymore but yes effectively the way it is added right now will allow you to filter multiple games without having to change games like you would via a PC.

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If this happens, first check the IP on the PC itself, then check the Device Manager for the device you think it is, do the IPs match? 

If they do match then do the same process as before:

  1. Quit the application/game/client completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  4. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter
  5. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  6. Wait 2 minutes
  7. Boot up application/game/client
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I've updated the software of the router to the early access version and the performance of the geofilter is pretty much the same. It's very hit or miss. Spent the last 30 minutes searching for a match 😓

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Hey there! I'm going to be returning my Netduma R3 after having several issues with it. As stated on your website, you can return the router within 14 days of receiving it and I will be doing that. Send you guys an email about this.

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